Thermaltake TaiChi Case


Inactive User
Nov 5, 2005
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I have a thermaltake tai-chi case with water cooling........I think the pump has failed....its has the blue LED on, which shows that is has power but I cant feel any vibration and the liquid is not circulating.

My questions is has anyone got one of these cases and have they had any similar problems, the case is about 2 years old.

I want to replace the pump if necessary but the thermaltake site is absolutely shit, and they dont have any warranty information, although they give 3 years warranty in the US.

I would ideally like a direct replacement as the case has holes ready for there pump.

Any help and/or advice is as always appreciated
Theres not many on DW that water cool, so expecting help for a specific case was a long shot. And with only 19 reads it looks like it got buried too.

Anyway, if it has a 3yr warranty your first port of call is with the company you purchased from.

If they are willing to deal with you, and you'll need to prove you bought it from them and are within the warranty period, then they'll want you to send the case to them at your expense (they'll refund upto a certain value if they find a fault, otherwise they'll charge you for the return too).

However, a lot of pc part re-sellers have warranty agreements with the manufacturers these days, and they'll tell you that you have to deal with the manufacturer. This isn't true. Under the sale of goods act your contract is with the seller not the manufacturer. That being said you'll likely get a faster resolution for your problem from the manufacturer.

Before you go anywhere though, check its not the plug fuse or an internal fuse on the pump.

But you could just replace the pump your self. Just get one that at least matches the flow rate of your current one (84 L/hr). Danger Den is the enthusiasts favourite, but you do pay an inflated price for their excellent reputation (with the £/$ rates might be worth looking at importing from the US).
hi m8 i can recommend the big water setup very good lots of tubing and so on im not using it myself but a friend has it and his q6600 is very cool with it overclocked. he has teamed it up with the antec 900 case for ultimate cooling. i have the antec 900 myself andd the air cooling in it knocks 10.c off core temps with fans on low.

heres link to big water system

and the antec 900