The PS4 - what do we know?


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Jan 19, 1999
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So what do we know about imminent arrival of the PS4?

I done some digging ;)

Here is what the word on the street is!

  • CPU: D[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ual GPU and APU setup - Multi cell architecture. [/FONT]
  • CPU SPEED: Unknown? Chips to be quad cores, 8 cores, 16 threads.
  • VIDEO: AMD Radeon HD 7670 video system, based on Turks XT architecture, featuring a 128-bit Bus and GDDR5 1GB of GDDR5 video memory.
  • RAM: Up to 16GB of system RAM,
  • DVD/BluRay: Blu-ray and
  • HD: 256GB hard drives.
  • FRAMES: 60 frames per second
  • RES: 1080p resolution

The Low Down:
The PlayStation 4 has received news of it sporting a dual GPU and APU setup, there was a new report that has surfaced and points to a CPU as being the ultimate processor for the Playstation 4.

OmniGamer reported in Decemeber, the CPU what it is, what it could of been for the PS3 and what it could be for the PS4 were all discussed.

The Cell chip in the PS3 could of been an evolution in CPU technology, but due to some potential design flaws, its true power has been hard to release, until now.

The heart of the PS3, how does this heart work? The Cell is a heterogeneous multicore processor; it consist of two different processor cores, PowerPC process 'PPE' this core handles general processing, and a Synergistic Processor Elements 'SPE' this core handles the multimedia processing these cores, which exist on a single CPU die.

The Cell processor was supposed to bring in Grid Computing, the technology of the component device that could be used for standalone as well as part of a giant grid computing system created by linking individual Cell's together.

However If Sony could focus and make the SPE’s more accessible, more capable of handling general purpose tasks, the next generation Cell chip could do what Sony PS4 really envision.

The next generation Cell would be easier now to deal with, developer have over six years of experience now, which could help improve on the things that developers have problems with, and make the Cell the Real Heart of the new system.

The piece then went on to discuss the importance of both the PS4 and Xbox 720 featuring backwards compatibility.

If AMD is creating the next APU for PS4, what are the chances that we as gamers will be able to play PS3 game on our brand new PS4 console, I would not hold out much hope!

Some gamers might say... I will buy a next generation console for next generation games, that might be true but Xbox 720 is using a power7 CPU and ATI GPGPU, Microsoft can give gamers a console that looks like it has more value cause you can play Xbox720 and Xbox 360 games (allegedly) the report stated.

So there you have it some intereting facts on the PS4, hopefully with a bit of luck they will really up the power of this new PS4 beast in the making. Or the XBOX720 will leave this for dust!

Sony be careful!
Nice post , the only thing I heard different was that Sony will use a standard architecture CPU instead of continuing with the cell
I would rather it was hard to hack, it makes games more enjoyable.
No script kiddies cheating!!!!!

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Looks quite retro if this image of the PS4 is actually what it will look like.


  • ps4.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 41
2011 June/July – PC with Win7 64-bit and a “jailbroken” ATI r9 graphics card
2011 Sept/Oct – PC with Win7 64-bit and a “jailbroken” ATI r10 graphics card
2012 Q1 – disclosure to more developers
2012 E3 – potential unveiling window start
2012 Jul – devkits for engineers writing OS
2012 Q3 – first true hardware prototype devkits
2013 E3 – potential unveiling window end
2013 Q4 – launch
ill be waiting to see what common faults they start to have. i.e pink ring of death or whatever the new faults will be. probably 3 years from release befor they are fixed im guessing lol
Like anything, the first users will basically be the unofficial "Live" beta testers :)

But all good fun, and potential money spinning for the clever people that will be fixing these faults if Sony deem it hack orientated malfunction lol

I see something in the paper the other day and the controller was touch pad. I ****ing hope not and don't see how effective that would be! Talks of a release before Xbox!
You have got to have something tactile to use, otherwise you will loose the experience IMO.

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Who would get one of these if all your mates got an xbox? Exactly what i did with the ps3, now i have more mates lol
That's usually what I do, this last generations most of my friends got a 360 so I chose that to.
I wonder if the PS4 will have support for 4k even though nothing is available in 4K, Sony likes to put as much tech into their stuff as possible.
It was reported today that Sony will wait until after Microsoft reveales the 720, Sony can't change much of the specs for the PS3, I'm guessing it's just a marketing change they're gonna do based on Microsoft.
Last time there was a big console change i jumped straight in. I bought a 360+HD-DVD . Films are still brilliant quality( I have to say that as I have a lot of them). I then saved enough beer tokens for a ps3. To be honest all the fuss and arguments they're as good as each other. Both have positives and negatives. The problem will be how fast technology will change. The life span this time so far is 6 years(2006/2007). Both sony and Ms have had time to get money back on their consoles. Will they be able to this time round.

They are competing against Tablets,variuos handhelds and the Nvidia Project Shield.
It would be fantastic to see both future proof there systems. 4K would be an advantage and maybe THX.

How about a card you can put in a pc instead, just like the 3DO blaster card of old. It will be interesting to see what both manufactures come up with.
As I mostly use my PC to play games. I don't really see the difference between the 360 and PS4, there are some exclusive games of course, the PS4 has Blu-ray, the 360 has Xbox Live. I'm wondering if the new generation will have such a small real difference between them.
In my experience of owning all major gaming platforms it will not really matter a shit , exclusive titles are far and few between , so all games released on both platforms will only be programmed to the weakest one making the gamers side of the fanboy argument moot ,
God I hate fanboys, it's probably my least favorite thing on the internet.
you will have a new version of all the major exclusive and cross platform as you have now. with a few new ones thrown in
Well I for one am a PS fan and have no doubt I will get one, did here though that its not expected until late 2014.