

DW Member +
Sep 12, 2007
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does anyone no of anything that will help boost my natural testerone levels?

about 6 years ago i did a couple off cycles of gear an i have felt that my testosterone levels have never returned to what they were before, i never took anything after the gear as i was told they would return on there own.

i no testosterone levels decline as you get older, i'm 33 an weight 13 1/2 stone.

thanks for any advise.
After a cycle of gear you should have done HCGs to kick back in your own testoserone cycle. And depending on your your circumstances cyclophene also helps aswell as nolvadex, although the nolvadex should only be used for a short time. What BIGHAIRYLIZZARD has posted there though is a good list I find most of that will help with the increase.
Yeah a good PCT (Post Cycle Thearpy) should always be used.

HGC, clomid etc etc

nolvadex AKA Tamoxophen (prob splelt wrong), should be used throughout the cycle as an anti-estrogen
From what I read I alway thought it was supposed to be stacked throughout the cycle as an anti-estrogen (the by product of symth testosterone)
From what I read I alway thought it was supposed to be stacked throughout the cycle as an anti-estrogen (the by product of symth testosterone)

it is IF you suffer the side effects but a fraction of what you would take for pct, saying that as before though no sides no need during cycle, anti-oestrogen can actually hinder muscle growth during a cycle but those who get bitch tits would rather a bit less gain than a pair of knockers.

gain cycle you want test - male hormone, and you dont want est - womens hormone.
Get a good porno on the telly and give yourself a good seeing to.
