Testchipsuk Is A Thief!!


Inactive User
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
4 months ago I sent this guy money for some modems and other stuff. All I get now is bullshit excuses about how he doesnt have it or how its in the post. After 4 ****ing month come on. and yesturday I asked him yet again about them and he has blocked me on msn. I know he has blocked me because he is still online on my girls account but both my accounts he isnt.

So no one trust this guy he is a ****ing thief and stole 270 pounds from me

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

077940 599 135

Jason Taylor

I could post NI numbers, addresses, account numbers too but I realy dont think its worth it is it..got to love the exploits;)
Thnks for the info m8, keep ma eyes peeled
goofie23 said:
I could post NI numbers, addresses, account numbers too but I realy dont think its worth it is it..got to love the exploits;)

hmm go on m8, may have sum fun with those! hehehehe :Kickassro
Now my kids have an excuse to prank call, LOL :)
goofie23 said:
I could post NI numbers, addresses, account numbers too but I realy dont think its worth it is it..got to love the exploits;)

You seem to know quite a bit about this guy why not just contact the police and for £270 yes i think it's worth it you took the time to type all his details out on here so why not pick up the phone.
Paul-K said:
You seem to know quite a bit about this guy why not just contact the police and for £270 yes i think it's worth it you took the time to type all his details out on here so why not pick up the phone.

thats what i was gonna suggest, but also if you have ALL of this information, put his identity up for sale on ebay lmao

also as asked, is he a member here?
thanks for the info mate :)

But is he a member here ?
tony9999 said:
£270 seems a lot for some modems and other stuff

what is the other stuff

LOL! could be illegal substances or even better private services ! LOL! oh and by the way does it matter???? :pimp:
jason Taylor from leeds oops i mean testchipsuk just ****ed me over. i dont know if he is a member here but he is certainly i this genre of work and after i sent him an email saying how pissed off I was at him he didnt even reply even when i unblocked him on msn. all i know is he ****ed me over 270quid and now I understand why he has negative feedback on ebay. ****ing loser thats all i got to say. sorry jay but thought we were mates. Guess not. no wonder your wife left ya!!
none of them e-mail addys are registered to a member on this forum but e-mail addys are easy to come by .
I'd screw him for as much as you can m8 - maybe you won;t get your money back, but you'll have fun making his life a small misery.
I dont give a **** about the money. Just the point a loser has to steal from someone else to survive not like the rest of us who work hard for a living. used to be a member of this forum long time ago he knows about the forum. probably more on IRc these days but everyone keep an eye out for this guy

SHOCK - [email protected]

I got a lawyer on the cae anyhows..