Tatanium Pro Programmer



Can any1 help me regarding a mosc read. I have a tatanium programmer. I have not tried yet as i am afraid of damaging the mosc. HELP Please
I dont have this programmer, but what you need is a programmer with 'Phoenix' capability in order to use on OSC using MKF software. So you need to check if your programmer is capable of this??
there is a option in the setup and you can tick elvis /phoenix mode but this may only apply to elvis progs only....worth a try<br />ps u can get a elvis for 40 quid these days so maybe that will sort ya problem...baz <img src="cool.gif" border="0">
baztheman is referring to the MKF software, but by ticking the box for elvis will not help you in this case. The programmer you have is not an Elvis! I have have quick look round at spec's on this programmer and it seems to me that it is not able to be put into phoenix mode. I am not familiar with the programmer but cant find any software that will enable the use as a phoenix so I would say it is not able to be used on OSC and only on goldcards. Anyone else put us straight??

If there is no specs of any kind that you have from purchase, or any software, then maybe worth checking with whoever you purchased with??

I did notice that the proggy has limitations with types of chip it can program so I'm pretty sure it is not going to be up to the job m8. <img src="frown.gif" border="0">

[ 30 December 2001: Message edited by: L-Mitz ]</p>
have the same one myself. icant be put into pheonix mode..can only do rb7 card.and such like..i only use it to program new hex with..thats why i bought a elvis as well.
If you are doubting your progger then get an FX Progger from <a href="http://www.maxking.com" target="_blank">www.maxking.com</a> They dont cost much and they work very well with Moscs.