
Yes with the latest firmware subtitles are showing up fine, you can now access them from the TV sets teletext 888, or u can click sub button on the krytview remote select arrow key left or right then english and it comes up fine :)

There is a slight bug if u goto access teletext direct from the krytview box and say goto 888 to enable subtitles from there it just displays subs and no picture:BLOBBY:

But apart from that bug teletext pages are fine and subtitle access is fine :)
I have tried I put the subtitles on on my tv then turn the box on and they disappear !!!

the text button doesnt do anything on the kryptview remote.
There is still slight bugs with the teletext

Ive just gone to BBC1 and hit the teletext button and nothing, yet if I goto BBC 1 England hit teletext it comes up fine.

You say you run it from your TV ? and then switch on the box.... try and just hit teletext from the krytview remote...

And if teletext doesnt come up try looking for the same channel but with another similar name like I did above. Ie I have 3 different BBC1 channels ! one of them worked.

Also if you deserpatly want subtitles just hit the subt button that should give u the option to hit left or right arrow and choose english, it doesnt always appear on all channels and is only available when a program has subtitles ive found.

But it is still buggy id admit !