
several people in this thread think that telnet and uart access are the same thing ...

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs will be the kingdom of heaven."

you mix pears with apples again as always. I didn't write anything about it that telnet and uart is the same thing, but that cwpk can be get by telnet as well as by uart. When you don't know basic things how to use telnet and you can´t get cwpk with it, it doesn't mean that it´s not possible to do :)
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... on sti 7105 and 7111 boxes ... :D good joke, the same as 2 years back about cut c3 and decrypt only in box and only via 2 restarts :D
... on sti 7105 and 7111 boxes ... :D

it´s not joke, you must study little bit more about shell cmds...

And as for cut c3 - d0 sti boxes, yes I remember well that you didn´t know anything about offsets where are dma registers, but as always on sat boards you was "everywhere" you know "everything", only in reality all of it is nothing usable :)
yes, I'll admit that as an employed person I don't remember everything off the top of my head... you, still unemployed, and sleeping on the PC, so you should have learned it sometime, since you get free all the cmds from SRT. and your job was just to verify it via Gowiak's pdf..
when you write about imperfections - you had no way to test the DES bug on irdeto, because you didn't know Vastai..
who tested this and learn you ?
what the shits are you writing again? I didn´t get any cmds from srt, write him to skype and ask him about it instead of writing stupid messages here.
second thing... I have normal work, you are really crazy and I know that you like to stick fingers to shit which doesn't stink but what I can recommend you again in connection with reading cwpk by telnet is only to study something about shell cmds and first to start with the cmd "ps" which you mentioned instead of cmd "help"

telnet is port 23 ... try to enter "ps" and see cmd if you have what you need there...
Some people are really able to help others, and some people just keep laughing at others. Some people just provide false information, and some people just want to obtain information through other people's OSCAM configuration.

I hope to stop ridiculing and attacking others. If you can really help or solve the problem, I think any cooperation or conditions can be solved through communication.

anyway, thank you very much to those who have helped me before. I would not let you help me for free. Thank you very much for this forum.
i got other 1 box from same provider can watch iptv via rj45 port within this offical box, try tel get these info only

Starting Nmap 7.60 ( Nmap: the Network Mapper - Free Security Scanner ) at 2024-05-29 11:22 EAT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00022s latency).
Not shown: 996 filtered ports
443/tcp open https
3000/tcp open ppp
8081/tcp open blackice-icecap
9080/tcp closed glrpc
MAC Address: **:**:**:**:**:** (Unknown)

of course of this box cpu still call bcm, who can do next ?
who have solution of telnet of bcm? let talk more