SPL set to extend season

tell all the huns you know
that we dont give af*ck where you go
youll be s**gging gayle platt in roy croppers flat
and returning for three in a row
tell all the huns you know
that we dont give af*ck where you go
youll be s**gging gayle platt in roy croppers flat
and returning for three in a row

Tell all the Tims you know,
They are jealous cause they cannae go.
They got humped in Seville while we watched the Bill
Now we will put on a show.
Tell all the Tims you know,
They are jealous cause they cannae go.
They got humped in Seville while we watched the Bill
Now we will put on a show.

lol i'll be watching the Gers game myself sod the bill..

ps: @ champion no need for the H word just my opinion.