Sick of being ill

Sorry to hear this Hamba, did notice I'd not seen your News posts and thought it odd. ;)

Been struggling myself for the last couple months, been a real downer. (Obviously I've not been as bad as you) Like you though, I think I'm shifting it and on the mend when bam, I'm hit with it again, getting on my wick now. I've been on sodding antibiotics of one form or another for three months solid now. :yawn:
I thought things were going well yesterday so I cut out the codeine in favour of paracetemol - also taking diclofenac and antibiotics.

Then yesterday evening it started to hurt like crazy again so I took some more codeine: didn't seem to help and I lay in bed feeling like someone was punching me in the face.

At least twice - might have been three times - just as I thought I might drift off to sleep, my bladder started pressing and I had to get up for a wee. Then back to bed again and being punched in the face.

Hasn't been so bad today but I've been taking the full compliment of codeine with the odd couple of paracetemol thrown in.