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whats the point of this thread, getting people to say hi and stay there for hours to get a reply? or saying hi and go search the forums and check back if someone has replied? whats wrong with that, unless some lowlife stays in shoutbox all day long complaning about someone who has said hi and ran off ?
rant over and out

So what your saying then that vixen who made this post is a lowlife in shoutbox, if thats the case then seems a personal attack on her, and an apology rather thans a "no offence get out" is in order.

if not then u shoud edit your post and make it clear.
So what your saying then that vixen who made this post is a lowlife in shoutbox, if thats the case then seems a personal attack on her, and an apology rather thans a "no offence get out" is in order.

if not then u shoud edit your post and make it clear.
its edited
its edited
Don't matter that it was edited it was seen and that amounted to a personal attack at Vixen thats not on I think you better appologise
its edited

Next time u want to make a personal attack on me be a man.

and if u think editing just the end makes it better then you are sadly wrong I want an apology and it had better be a good one
Don't matter that it was edited it was seen and that amounted to a personal attack at Vixen thats not on I think you better appologise

You have a short time to remove the offencive parts then more action will be taken, like said its not on.
See no one says hi back here either ;)

Now I'm sure Hacker will say sorry without this snowballing into a witch hunt.

This is not a witch hunt i am quite capable of dealing with this on my own what i dont like is the personal attack when it wasnt warranted its not funny and its not clever . Also am I wrong but werent people warned what would happen if they did personal attacks on people in here ? or was it only if you were a different colour and actually I dont want an apology as I know it wouldnt mean Jack s.... from the person giving it .
and u can quote me on that
Yes your probs right but a witch hunt it IS turning into ;) spot them a mile off I can so lets just nip it in the bud and give the dude time to say sorry, ment or not.

what would the point of an apology be if its not meant . Are far as im concerned no point at all .
no i will say sorry even if u think i didnt mean it. its upto you to think whatever you want to think

but, i am really sorry for any inconvenience caused by my replies on this thread or shoutbox. sorry mate
no i will say sorry even if u think i didnt mean it. its upto you to think whatever you want to think

but, i am really sorry for any inconvenience caused by my replies on this thread or shoutbox. sorry mate
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