shared my bouquet 500s


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
heres my bouquet for my 500s pointing at 28.2, just thought id share as other people might find them useful, iv took out all the crap that i dont think people watch, like the shopping channel and crap like that, feedback appreciated as there maybe channels missing that i havnt really noticed.

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Thanks mate, just what I was after!!
hi there where on the box/path do i upload the bouquets to. thanks
I use dreamboxedit mate puts them in the right folders for you!

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ok im not familiar with dreamboxedit as im still learning im currently using flashfxp and am able to ftp box ect so was wondering the place in which to place the bouquets files using flashfxp. thanks
ok im not familiar with dreamboxedit as im still learning im currently using flashfxp and am able to ftp box ect so was wondering the place in which to place the bouquets files using flashfxp. thanks

var/tuxbox/config/enigma and make sure you reboot your box by unplugging it and plugging it back in,

but you should really get used to dreamboxedit as its a lot simpler to load channels list or even edit them.
ok thanks i will look into trying dreambox edit, let u know how i get on thanks
thanks, managed to get the hang of dreamboxedit managed to upload the bouquets but it wasnt really for me as im after it split into catergories e.g terresterial, movies, music ect, if u have this then can u please post thanks once again.
thanks, managed to get the hang of dreamboxedit managed to upload the bouquets but it wasnt really for me as im after it split into catergories e.g terresterial, movies, music ect, if u have this then can u please post thanks once again.
wouldnt mind 1 like that myself mate to be honest, it is seperated into categories but not folders, i sorted this 1 out on the box itself then ftp'd them out to my desktop, not really sure how to make them into all folders for seperate categories though!
Load them up in dreamboxedit and then right click on "Tv User Bouquets" and select insert bouquet,name it what you want i.e. Movies etc,

Then just drag and drop from the services list on the left to your empty bouquet in the middle as per the sample pic in the link below :)
