Setting a NAS


Inactive User
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Happy new year to all. As a newbie I need and appreciate help from all you experienced people.
Just got my DM800 before Xmas and busily trying to learn. I have a Nas (maybe not strictly a NAS-its a 500GB disk attached to Router via USB)which I am hoping to use with my DM800HD. When I try to mount it asks for user and pass. Is this the user and pass for the NAS or an access user and pass to provide security on DM end.
Also the format on the HDD, should it be fat32 or ntfs or I have seen on this forum some ppl do ext3(linux). How do i do that with a Pc. Also appreciate if someone can point me to a guide.....cold'nt find any.
Thanks for help
I've set up one of these so I'm no expert, but...

Username and password is the username and password to the drive, a bit like a windows account which has privileges to read and write to that drive. I'm not sure if you set these up on your router or hard drive itself - I have a NAT and set these up on my hard drive.

The format for the HDD shouldn't make any difference at all since it's not internal to dreambox, you're simply copying and retrieving files over the network. Your NAT firmware will be the one that's fussy not your dreambox.
Can someone tell me what I am trying to do ....set up a NAS or a NAT as I may be searching for wrong things. Mine is a portable hard disk attached to router by USB. Is that Network attached storage(NAS) or NAT. Thanks cric2k for reply. It is currently formatted NTFS but I cant write to it, can read from other comps
Sorry, when I'm saying NAT I am saying the same thing as NAS. I get them confused sometimes but it's essentially the same thing.
If its just a usb hdd you have why not just plug it into the back of the dm800?
I have it plugged in to the esata connector at moment. It is 500Gb so i want to use it as a network drive as well. I put an ex3 partition and a fat 32 partition but cant see either on network or the DM. Help please.