Selective Forum Filter - INSTALLED


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Right you can now choose what forums you want to search.

There is a new option in your user crontrol panel that will allow you to choose what you want to view...

What does this mean:

Well its your choice now what you want to view.

Please note we have always used the forum filter but it became obsolete to the vbulletin 3.6+ versions and it seems now the mod is supported again for 3.8 and above... so please enjoy it.

sorry mick i must be going blind i cant see this option, unless im looking in wrong place (user cp)
sorry mick i must be going blind i cant see this option, unless im looking in wrong place (user cp)

user cp - Edit Options - scroll down the bottom of the page.

Forums To Exclude From View
Here you can select any number of forums to exclude from the forums list, from "get new" search and from "get daily" search.

To select multiple forums, press and hold CTRL key while clicking on the forum titles. To clear exclusion, select "Reset Exclusion" without holding CTRL key.
Umm, I don't see any forums listed in the exclude bit - is it because I don't have many posts yet? Was hoping to exclude staellite and cable from the new posts.

Better fix that lol... Looking now ;)
