Secruity on IPTV enigma2


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VIP Member
Dec 3, 2012
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this is just a general question about IPTV providers for enigma2 boxes. I recently tested out a few providers and a lot instead of providing me with a set of bouquets or .m3u file. gave me a command that downloads and runs a script.

Im no expert but from the little i know about linux the script installed a few plugins that did various things.

These things include but not limited to:
1 - a plugin for epg for IPTV​
2 - a plugin that download and installs all the IPTV channel list after every reboot.​
3 - possible cron task that runs a script​

please note this is just what i know the script did, it may have done more

i found all these plugins and removed them from my box manually as I couldn’t do it via the image. did a reboot and a channel list was not downloaded. So I thought that’s good I got rid of the stuff they put on the box.

A few days later was flicking thru the channels and noticed all the channels numbers were all over the place. i then seen that their channel list downloaded again. Im going to assume they installed a script that was configured to run on a cron task or something.

I then reverted back to a Backup before i ran their command. Now im all good again.

My question is should me and others who use IPTV providers be worried about security. What I know was done to my box may be only a drop in the ocean of what was actually done.

example of the command
cd /etc/enigma2 && wget -O /etc/enigma2/ "[email protected]:password" && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/ && /etc/enigma2/

I Recommend before you run any command from an IPTV Provider Do a full image backup
Im not entirely sure what they would gain by putting dodgy plugins or any kind of spyware onto an enigma 2 box.
as far as im aware people hack the boxes by open ports to enable themselve's to stream content from it. so if your suspicious just keep an eye out for any streaming clients (if any) that could be connected.

ive never heard of a plugin to update channel lists tho for IPTV.
things that could be installed are epgimporter (if its not already installed) and various scripts in etc/enigma2 for channel list / epg updates on reboot.
cron timers can also be in place to run epg updates at a set time each day.
that could be true about the cron task but they didnt mention it.

they say do a system reboot to download a new channel list. nothing about a cron task.

couldnt they use the box as bots or for some other Mischievous things

i cant remeber the name of the plugin that updates the channel list. i think it was something like b-stream or something like that. it updated the channel list when i ran it.
that could be true about the cron task but they didnt mention it.

they say do a system reboot to download a new channel list. nothing about a cron task.

couldnt they use the box as bots or for some other Mischievous things

the supplier i used had cron timers added but you could quite clearly see what they were downloading by the link in the cronjob itself.
however they got rid of the crons because each day a script over wrote the root file in etc/cron/crontabs which in turn removed any of the users crons,

they were replaced with scripts in etc/enigma2 to update channel lists on reboot and epgimporter to update the EPG at a set time each day like crossepg.

not sure if they can be used as bots, ive never come across it.
why use epgimporter?

most of the iptv providers i came across cross epg works with the most to nearly all the channel lists they provide as the channels have the same service ID as the satelite bouquets.
why use epgimporter?
i guess its down to the providers prefered method of EPG and that some images dont have crossepg as standard?
openvix comes with epgimporter already installed so theres no harm using it.