SB6000 next patch info !


Inactive User
Jan 13, 2009
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Shamelessly nicked from another forum,quotes regarding the next 6000 patch (not available yet). Thanks to ekko star.

"This box is getting strong support. Word is new firmware may be a pleasant surprise.... The new firmware has an outstanding new feature onboard.....and it appears to be working very well. The firmware is working and the new main feature is indeed very good and I must say hugely surprising at this level of box.

If you thought this was an excellent little box, well let's put it this way.... it's about to become phenomenal....I think you guys will love it..."

Not sure what it all means, but should be interesting when its released !
seems its a IPTV addon reading between the lines over there. its a good box for the price the only downside i can see personally is it looks awful but most stb,s are hidden away anyway. still no concrete info on who is behind it seeing as @Truth doesnt seem to be (or he,s not saying he is publicly). excellent choice for the plug+play newly motorised brigade,regards mdt
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Personally I am against the sort of information (or rather total lack of information) shown in posts like post 1 in this thread. It contains absolutely nothing but vague suggestions and hints that there will be a patch released and the patch MAY contain " a pleasant surprise...." and make the receiver "become phenomenal". It would appear that a member " ekko star" on another forum made the original post and quite frankly I wonder just why he did it.

The Spiderbox HD6000 is a good receiver and so far the software team have made several patches each patch extending it's capabilities but software development takes time, not just the writing of the software but the inevitable debugging, testing, debugging again until it's in a condition to be released to the users, vague "it might do this" or "could do that", hints do nothing to help and in fact retard development as the user is primed to expect something "hinted" at then when the patch arrives the "lets slag off the Spiderbox" brigade can start their howling "where is the PROMISED feature" when in fact it never was promised in the first place.

Lets try and keep our posts factual, not hearsay and gossip.
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Personally I am against the sort of information (or rather total lack of information) shown in posts like post 1 in this thread. It contains absolutely nothing but vague suggestions and hints that there will be a patch released and the patch MAY contain " a pleasant surprise...." and make the receiver "become phenomenal". It would appear that a member " ekko star" on another forum made the original post and quite frankly I wonder just why he did it.

The Spiderbox HD6000 is a good receiver and so far the software team have made several patches each patch extending it's capabilities but software development takes time, not just the writing of the software but the inevitable debugging, testing, debugging again until it's in a condition to be released to the users, vague "it might do this" or "could do that", hints do nothing to help and in fact retard development as the user is primed to expect something "hinted" at then when the patch arrives the "lets slag off the Spiderbox" brigade can start their howling "where is the PROMISED feature" when in fact it never was promised in the first place.

Lets try and keep our posts factual, not hearsay and gossip.

Hi Jimi

As the OP of this thread I thought i would reply to this.
I can see what you are saying with your comments, but surely theres no problem with a bit of speculation !
Blackdevil who releases the patches had also commented on that particular thread and said "It is not ready 100%.We are trying to solve an issue and then we will release it". If he had not commented on it,I would not have started this thread, plus he didnt say to ekko star he was out of order for what he said. As the IPTV bit on that thread was pure speculation, I didnt mention it on here, only stating that something appeared to be in the pipeline patch wise,which as I said was confirmed by Blackdevil.
Anyway, I guess its all about opinions :Cheers:
No problem it's posts that contain just vague suggestions (not your fault) and no real concrete information that concern me, you might be surprised how quickly misinformation spreads.
I was told it makes cornish pasties with the latest patch :licka:

Not as it stands however I am working on a USB powered mini oven which should be able to bake two Cornish Pasties in around 18 to 20 hours (depending on the crust thickness), other planned updates (all USB powered) are for a Microwave oven so you can reheat microwave meals whilst watching TV and for Christmas some USB powered Christmas Tree Lights which will flash every time a new program starts in time to the theme tune of the program.
The proposed USB toaster had to be dropped as when we contacted Hovis they replied that they could not supply bread slices thin enough to fit into the card reader slot not only that but the toast ejection mechanism failed leaving a sticky mess to clear up.
I thought a link to the Hubble satellite would be a good idea that way members could move it all over the sky but on second thought the temptation to peek into neighbors bedrooms by the development team proved too much so that was binned.
Keep watching for further updates!!