rom card chips

Google for ISO7816 it's the smartcard standards and will tell you the card pinout.
hi mate
thanks for the reply
but i cant find the manfacturer for this item
can these cards be read with a chip programmer
just a thought as i have a couple of dsd bad cards and thought i could erase them with a progger then read a good 1 and write that to the card
would this work or not
the processor in a ROM10 card is actually a derivative of the ST7 family m8, {the eeprom is anyones guess}--"the r11 will be diffrent again

assumeing you knew the actual chips on the card m8, "what makes you think you could read/erase them with a chip programer"------ if your card programer wont do the job then a chip programer wont either.
hi mate
i thought trying to open a program with a program would be harder than erase and rewrite (like a reformat i thought )
would this not be possible
thanks for your reply benny
rom cards need to be fully functional and open to erase/rewrite then m8, {you cannot reformat a rom with a chip programer }-------wipe a romcard and it will be useless m8
hi mate
thanks for puttin me right again benny
how about fully erase the ic then write a dump from a good 1
its just a long shot as i know a fun card is a atmel 24c256 that i have done this ic b4
i just thought solder a couple of wires to it put em in progger and roberts your mothers brother
dont confuse a funcard with a romcard m8, {you can easily erase a locked fun but you wont do it on a rom the way your thinking}----------its a completely diffrent type of card-------get yourself an unlooper m8

r10 addresses
$0000 - $003F Processor registers
$0040 - $03FF RAM area
$2000 - $202F MAP Co-processor area
$4000 - $9FFF Card Firmware ROM area
$C000 - $CFFF Card Firmware EEprom area (for firmware updates etc)
$D000 - $DFFF Provider record EEprom area (for provider keys, PPV etc)
hi mate
i have a t911 mate this is wat brought mi to this post i have some dsd some atr invalid and some that say open but have backdoor problems
just lookin for a way to fix these cards
dont like the idea of things goin to waste but ime movein house and anything that is no good has to go in the bin if theres no fix then they gota go the missus says if they carnt be used then there useless
dont need ice scrapers mate have a heated screen
cheers again
there's no public software that can fix the atr on a r10/11 m8, the other cards you might open useing diffrent scripts, {you definetly wont open them with a chip programer}