Rom A82 Unlocked [=

aka, you can e-mail or pm me for details, if you wish.

I'm glad for you guys. It's about time somone finally released something that could open A82. I took a quick look, and was not impressed, but I suppose it'll work for those who have patience and a bit of knowledge. For most people, they won't be able to use it successfully. Well, maybe for 1 or 2 cards.

Unlocking is as much "art" as it is science. For those who are motivated, they should take this script, and *IMPROVE* it, and get expereince with it. But if anyone thinks you are just going to stick in a NTL rom10 @ revA82, run the software, and pop the card open - well, you are in for a surprise. I have customized software and flashes, a ton of experience, and I still have trouble with some cards. (Though I have *NEVER* had one that I couldn't eventually open).

Another thing. The script I saw was not for NTL $54's. Maybe this one is (I haven't looked)?The one I saw was for $5C only.

And one last thing. There are a number of NTL $5C A82 cards that once opened, need to be "repaired" in order to be useful again. It's nothing too complicated to "fix", but don't be surprised when NagraEdit pukes on some of the NTL rom10's. In my experience, it happens to about 1 in every 3 or 4 cards.

Good luck, gents. :D
I got my Modded T911 today, after a few hiccups I successfully managed to flash the atmel with the firmware needed, then after a bit of a play around with the Winexplorer parameter settings and din settings on the back of the T911 unit I was glitching! I tried on my main computer left it trying to unlock a 5C B0C card, but after a few hours I got inpatient. I connected the T911 to the laptop and left it running on an 5C A82 card while I went to my girlfriends
Success it popped the card open! I’m well happy! I’ve just put a Rom 11 5C B0C in there now so im just going to leave it now and see if it unlocks. I will let you know how it gets on.
A guide is defiantly required for anyone wanting to use a moded T911. I have spent about 5 hours today trying to resolve some problems which if I had known about before could have saved me a lot of searching and crawling through guides and Microsoft help files.
I will try and make a fairly basic guide to get people up and running in the near future.
Still having difficulty with Rom 11 cards, but every Rom 10 A82 card I have is now unlocked, I didn’t need BK keys for all of these cards as I lifted Atmels in the past, its handy to have the cards though! I’ve got 2 more boxes up and working tonight thanks to unlocking there rev A82 cards. The bug was hit in less than 2 minutes on most of these cards!
let me congratulate you mate!,
had a quick read of your guide and im sure its gonna help ALOT of people set up their modded t911's

just wondering how much the t911 cost you mate?
Cheers mate,
I bought mine from eBay, it Came to about £50 Inc delivery (2 weeks) The one I have is a factory modded T911. do them for $70 + $7 standard mail or $15 CAD priority I emailed them about it at the time but they took a while to reply, so by the time I got there email I had already bought one from eBay.
Nice tut Chriz2000 well done m8, havent had the time i would like to play with my t911 i managed to flash with ufp16 instead of atmelxp but checked your tut and know ive popped a couple of a82s one keeps resetting so going have to play around a bit, but nice 1 m8 its a start of a lot of learning for me!! :Cheers:
I have a MIIKOBU 111 M6.2 and a Xtreme HU Sureshot Can I use any of thease?
If so is there any tuts software flash's I need??
Cool glad you got it working dyan1273, your right we have a lot to learn to prepare ourselves for the next encryption! On the bright side it gives us something else to play with when they do get around to investing in new Nagra 1 encryption

Pburns, theoretically it can be done on any unlooper so yes you should be able to mod your loader.
If you ask around for diagrams on some of the Canadian forums if they have them they should be able to help

OK! I'm reporting all of you to NTL!!! Unlocking is illegal!!!

hehehhehehh. Just kiddin' boys. (Just my dark (sick?) sense of humour).

Having fun - are we? :D

I'm really glad to see you guys doing so well. This is like the British Invasion in reverse. The Invasion of the Glitchers! lol.

If you have any questions, fire away.

Tip: Don't forget to use my "VCC Analyzer" code before running your scripts on the cards. It really helps narrow down the VCC sweetspot. I think it's incorproated into most of the public unlocking scripts out there, so you might be using it already w/o realizing it.

been speaking to an old friend of yours called dnh301 perhaps i should get him to join our humble forum slick perhaps he can set the record straight bit of advice dont slate the mods on our site
Cheers Slick, yeah I’ve been using your script. It’s a great help!
Managed to pop open some of my B0C cards now too! I’ve had one card mess up though, luckily it was just the card I wanted and not the box keys
jimmyp said:
been speaking to an old friend of yours called dnh301 perhaps i should get him to join our humble forum slick perhaps he can set the record straight bit of advice dont slate the mods on our site

1) dnh301 is not an "old friend". I have not known of him for very long, and I do not know him except for his posts on some of the NA forums. He's a very good tester, and would be a welcome addition to your forum.

2) I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "set the record straight".

3) Not sure what "don't slate the mods" means either. We do not use that expression over here. I assume it means "don't get the mods angry", or something similar? Not sure why you would say that.

Cheers Slick, yeah I’ve been using your script. It’s a great help!
Managed to pop open some of my B0C cards now too! I’ve had one card mess up though, luckily it was just the card I wanted and not the box keys

1) Glad the snippet of code is helping you. I run it before unlocking each and every card. There can be such a large difference in VCC (and Delay too!) from one card to another.

2) B0C are tricky, because the datatitems may NOT be where you expect them to be!!! That's another reason why I so much prefer unlocking ROM10 over ROM11. There are ways to handle the ROM11's, that aren't public yet. When you are BLINDLY changing blocks of eeprom dataspace, there's a possibility that you aren't changing what you think you are changing. NA cards tend to be contiguous. But about one-third of the EURO cards I have seen, had their dataitems in the "wrong" order, or were not contiguous. So that first DT07 is nto where you think it is. Yikes!!!

With all you guys now (finally) getting into unlocking for yourselves, I think I'm about to "retire". Even though volume has still been strong lately, I can see the writing ont he wall. I figure it's only a matter of time until more LOCAL choices for unlocking services become popular. Not sure though, because people in the UK might be worried about the legality of using someone over there, so they still might prefer to send them over here. We'll see. If the volume dries up, I will stop doing it entirely. It's too much of a distraction to just do one or two now and again.

Regardless of what happens, I've managed to raise a lot of money for the kids, which is all that matters. Last year we raised $1,000, this year my goal was $2,000. We are quite off that goal right now, but I will defnitely put in my own money (as I did in 2004) to top it up at the end of the year and meet the $2,000 goal.

From what I understand, and I might be wrong but this is my impression, testing is taken much more seriously over there than it is in NA. So *BE CAREFUL*, please. I'd hate to see anyone get into trouble over something like this. If it was me, I'd probably buy the *PARTS* from NA, and assemble the glitcher myself. That way, nobody at customs/Royal Mail would know what it was for! ;)

Cheers, m8s! :D
This post is for the person who created the scripts gets the credit he deserves is a person from cardcoders called ToyTech (aint that right slickguy)
I wouldn't know, Jimmy. I write my own scripts. "ToyTech"??? Not familiar with him. Did he release a public B0C script?

There's one person who deserves credit for all the unlocking: NO1B4ME. Period.
I hope you've heard of him! He's the NA glitching guru. Terrific guy. Hardware expert. We ALL owe any and all of our unlocking efforts to him. Without his initial testing and modifications of the HU loader, and initial flash code written a long time ago, none of this would be possible. Up until no1b4me, the conventional wisdom was that rom3/10/11 could not be glitched. no1b4me proved them wrong!

All subsequent coding and efforts were as a result of no1b4me's work. Whether it was written by myself, Penga, or any of a handful of other testers who have developed and/or released scripts/code for unlocking.

But keep this in mind: what youa re seeing in the public domain is just the proverbial tip of the iceburgh as far as what has been accomplished. ;) I would never release my best stuff, and neither would a lot of other testers - many of whom are more skilled than I am. So you can just imagine how much great stuff is out there, but not public. Hopefully, once the Nagra1 stream is killed, we'll some of the cooler stuff get released. It happened when the HU was killed. I look forward to seeing some neat tricks after Nagra1 is killed.
Guys a quick request, I’ve just got back from a short break with my girlfriend to Paris to find my Inbox full or requests on a number of forums from members to unlock cards for them. I’m sorry but I’m not willing to unlock anyone’s cards as this will require me to give out my address for starters, so please don’t email/PM me about it. Sorry, the best way to get your card unlocked is to buy the equipment yourself! It’s cheap and you will learn something useful!
Hiya guys, got myself a T911 and after a lot of trial and error at last popped my first revA82
Just wanted to keep this stream alive
Thanks to tutorial from Chris2000 and peeps like jimmyp, davidh (defo man)slickvguy and others

I only had 1 rev a82 to try it on but now I've recieved a ROM 11 Boc
ROM Revision: 011
EEPROM Revision: RevB0C
ProviderID: 5A
Question : Which script can I use on this card?

If none of the ones given then anybody post me the right one

Thanks in advance

PS Chris on tutorial provided ( which was fantastic) just want to let people know where it says

1. Connect the T911 to your computer with the serial cable
2. On the back of the device Set the dip switch settings to ‘on’ for 1-5
3. There should be a switch on the back of the T911, switch it to the left. If there is no switch there may be a jumper you need to set.

Point 2. at the end 1-5 should be 1 & 5. I messed a round for ages with dips 1 to 5 all on and then finally did some digging at cardcoders and found the dip 1 and 5 should be on
hope this helps
Thanks Clive58

Working on next project now Jtagging a 4000

Thanks to davidh got tools now to do final bit

Thanks davidh you are a star
Can someone help me to use vcc analyzer - what do I do with the reading or how do I use it?