Rom 11 BOD bd0 problem


VIP Member
VIP Member
Jul 23, 2005
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Evening all,

I'm trying to sort out a m8s sammy which had a rom11 bod in it, luckily the bk and ird were written on the box so i didn have to unloop the card to get these details so I just mron'd the card so I could just wack an image on it with the correct dates.

If only it were that easy, not :-(
the backdoor login has been blocked and its asking me for a bd0 key, this has never happened to me before after mron'in a card! i tried reading it in xncs as sometimes when i do this, it installs ghost then displays the bd key but it didn this time.

I tried mron'in it a few times now and still get the same result, can anyone gimme some advice on how I may be able to get back into this card again without trying to unloop it as my unlooper has packed up :-(

thanks in advance for your time and help.
try the rom 11 backdoor fixer in the downloads xnsc should work you tick all except install ghost

provider in setting and it should dump the card m8
never seen or heard of that function before, would you mind ellaborating please?

In nagra go to comms.

open d2c and select the d2c file. Then click send d2c

It will erase ird and bk though.

Sent you a pm also
thanks for all your help and advise guys, i'll try all the above mentioned later today as I am not near my desktop at present and my lappy dosen have enough power to deal wiv roms.

Thanks again, I'll let you'all know how i get on.
I use romstudio 1.6 to change dates by doing this -

Run Romstudio
Click 'Backdoor' Tab
Click 'down arrow' on Dump and select 'Login Aprendiz'
Select 'no' to ghost
Click 'Fat Editor' tab
Adjust 'tier' dates, not forgetting to change dates using 'nagra date'
Click 'Backdoor' Tab
Click 'down arrow' on 'Write' and select 'Login Aprendiz'

Would this work?