red jumper problem and libby

hi....i think iv bene a fool and messed up the box..inital problem was the ppv pin locked and after searching around i got the libby and config i pulled the red jumper booted libby but im not surre on hoiw to erase the sram? and comms failed keeps coming up too? can anyone help please? its a 2000 box
Hello bobkat

have you edited the config file correctly for your desired netid?

if you have then have you sent the command in libby to set the netid?

once you set it retrieve the net id info in libby to confirm it has been set.

If you really get stuck i have a 2000 cfg i used for my box to set the netid.
thankyou sir, i have no solved the problem...on another note someone with a 1000 box has a new menu style which is plae blue and you can change the color schemes...whilst mines the conserrvative navy blue one...whats the difference and can i change to that?
Helllllpppp plssss on di2000


someone gave a di2000 to try unlock their ppv pin, I pulled the red jumper hoping i would be able to restore the net id using the fun method no luck, no matter what i try the neid keeps getting set to 6350 or something like that but my net id is 41050. can I use libby to restore the net id on this box and please can someone send me the relevant files for this box, I am screwed it's my uncles brother in laws box.

please help me!:Chainsaw:

I finally manged to sort it out thank god using libby the ppv working now :-) i think the fun method is bull shi**t , stick to libby evryone:BLOBBY: