Quick fix for NTLDR is missing


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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Guys, Is there a quick fix for the above, I have a copy of Heirens Boot CD, any ideas on a quick fix please?

Got a PC that's just booted into it....NTLDR that is....lol

I know what it is but just wondering If any one's come across an easy method and maybe the file it's self, we all know what it's like with an exe from a web site some where...

nice one, I'll go and boot the CD on the laptop and have a look to see if there an option there. (The Pc's at work where I decided to leave it rather than coming home and spending all night on it!)

Thanks for the reply mate. Good Idea.

EDIT : Nice one, on booting the CD there is a fix ntldr so happy days, will try it in the morning.

Thanks again
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Format C:\

Install DOS 6.2.2

[Disclaimer] Please do not try this at home. Installations are completed under laboratory conditions and are done my trained professionals.
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right guys can boot into the heirens CD and there are 10 options for fixing the ntldr, tried them all and it's not working? when can I get a copy of that file, I guess I can boot into windows mini XP and then copy it over if it's as simple as that?
usually, NTLDR missing isn't that quicker fix. if it's missing, it's for a reason and it won't just be 1 or 2 files.

is it XP?
Thanks for that mate.

I'll try the following then.

Windows XP users
  1. Insert the Windows XP bootable CD into the computer.
  2. When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.
  3. Once in the Windows XP setup menu press the "R" key to repair Windows.
  4. Log into your Windows installation by pressing the "1" key and pressing enter.
  5. You will then be prompted for your administrator password, enter that password.
  6. Copy the below two files to the root directory of the primary hard disk. In the below example we are copying these files from the CD-ROM drive letter, which in this case is "e." This letter may be different on your computer.

    copy e:\i386\ntldr c:\
    copy e:\i386\ntdetect.com c:\
  7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the CD from the computer and reboot.
just booted windows XP and it looks like the HDD has failed in it as there is none listed in the intial list of where to install or delete partitions etc. (I was going to go into recovery console.)

I'll rip the hard drive out and have a play with it at home on a USB docking station.
OK it's not a hard drive failure then as can get to all the files and that via heirens boot CD and loading mini XP. All the bootup fix ntldr commands run but don't do any thing, there's about 10 to run in order if the 1st one doesn't fix it then move onto the next one, then loaded it into mini XP and can see some drive tools etc. but nothing that I can see has worked to fix the missing ntldr.

Might just ask her to bring a hard drive in and I'll just copy ever thing over and then format it, let her sift through the whole lot once it's backed up to an external. Makes my life easier.!