question about smoking?

i gave up few years ago for just over 18months using patches, doc told me later that he'd rather people smoke then use them.
now i want to give up but each time i tell myself no more, some shite happens in my life and i don't.

It sounds like you use the ciggies as a coping mechanism, in the same way as some people use food as a comfort. I'm not knocking you for that, we all cope with shite in different ways. Wait until life isn't shite and then try to use the savings idea or something else powerful for you to give you the motivation - you will always have the choice over whether or not to smoke but I think once you have given it up, it may be possible to find another coping mechanism. Good luck with it, when you decide the time is right to stop you will find a way.
That was your experience, it doesn't mean it can't be easy. I wasn't trying to say it would be easy but I think it would be a better frame of mind going into it to at least have the possibility that it may be easy. I guess it will be different for everybody - I just made my mind up and stopped, it seems others did the same. I will have a look at that book as I have a couple of friends who want to give up and I don't really want to go down the hypnotherapy route with them.

Sorry m8, I didn't actually read your post so nothing was aimed at you. You are spot on imho when you say that when you made your mind up to stop, you did. You really wanted to stop and you had the frame of mind to do so.

I wanted to give up after just a few years but it took 10 to get in that right frame of mind.

Most ex smokers I know are full of it. They gave up and forgot how hard it was for them to do it. To me it now seems like it was easy but at the time it wasn't.
@Tawke - No problem mate, I didn't think you were having a pop with your post. This is a site about opinions, theres no reason I should be right! I always try to leave people with the possibility that things may be easier for them than others but it is such an individual thing really. You may be right about us ex-smokers too, perhaps I have got my rose tinted goggles on but it does seem the way I described it when I think back - memory can play tricks though, especially at my age lol!
@Tawke - No problem mate, I didn't think you were having a pop with your post. This is a site about opinions, theres no reason I should be right! I always try to leave people with the possibility that things may be easier for them than others but it is such an individual thing really. You may be right about us ex-smokers too, perhaps I have got my rose tinted goggles on but it does seem the way I described it when I think back - memory can play tricks though, especially at my age lol!

For the record, I'm now an alcoholic :Cheers:

I'll start a thread when I'm 37 and tell how I have given that up too.
Cold turkey is the best way.
First two or three days are the worst.
I used ordinary chewing gum and ended up addicted to that lol.
Now i cant stands ciggies or chewing gum.
I was 20+ a day for 20 + years and have been stopped for 15 years now.

Set a day and physc yourself up for a few weeks and then go for it.
Its easier than you think if you get in the right frame of mind.
Thanks to all of you tbh you m main reason for giving up is what ive been seeing my granddad and Nan go thru they both had empcinima(not spelt right but i think you know what i mean).I looked after my nan from when i was 15 till she passed away so was quiet hard time.My granddad has just come from hospital after his 4th worst turn and he has the same thing wrong with him.And tbh its a dreadful disease as it runs in our family and that is one of my no1 reasons why i would like to give up.i've failed 3times already the old craving kept kicking back in.

But i'm taking everyones advice on board i will give the old e-cig a whirl just to see if it can help.And then try the old method of just throwing it all in if that don't work and try and join up to the gym
That sounds like it has been tough on you roachieuk, fair game to you for trying. It is only my opinion but I kinda believe that using the e-cig will only reinforce the smoking habit as its the smae process. If you are going to quit, I would just get your mind ready for it and stop. Keep us up to date how you get on please.
Thanks to all of you tbh you m main reason for giving up is what ive been seeing my granddad and Nan go thru they both had empcinima(not spelt right but i think you know what i mean).I looked after my nan from when i was 15 till she passed away so was quiet hard time.My granddad has just come from hospital after his 4th worst turn and he has the same thing wrong with him.And tbh its a dreadful disease as it runs in our family and that is one of my no1 reasons why i would like to give up.i've failed 3times already the old craving kept kicking back in.

But i'm taking everyones advice on board i will give the old e-cig a whirl just to see if it can help.And then try the old method of just throwing it all in if that don't work and try and join up to the gym

you should have never started mate its a coont of a habbit,seeing all that at 15 should have made you not want to smoke. but we all do daft things
you should have never started mate its a coont of a habbit,seeing all that at 15 should have made you not want to smoke. but we all do daft things

I totally agree mate i started at 14 tho so was a bit difficult to stop i wish i had tho tbh.As at the moment i have alot of time on my hands as im out of work and get stressed when i go for interviews and dont get nothing out them,As i wanna work i send of loads of CVs a week and email them and go out dropping and nothing ever comes up.ive had hmm 7interviews in the past 2months and nothing ive even had my cv looked and had some advice.But nevermind life goes on jus thank god that im still here and i gotta roof over me head.

p.s sorry didnt mean to sound so depressing im a happy go lucky guy really
I tried everything inhilators, patches (they made me worse) hypnothearapy, zyban the lot. Then I went to a local support group and took champix the group was for 7 sessions and the course was for 12 weeks and it's worked been just over a year now and although I get the odd pang it soon passes. Hands down best thing I ever did.
just gone cold turkey myself ,i have nearly done 3 weeks now i, just have a 1.5mg lozeng when things get a bit tuff , partner just starting a course of champix , wish me luck because she might bite my head off in the next few weeks
Allen Carr's book "Easy Way" re-enforces a train of thought. It is essentially guided will power. I gave up after 20 years on them. A read of that book gave me all the will power and mental "tools" needed. Haven't smoked in 3 years and haven't wanted to either TBH.
Stop Smoking with Allen Carr

I used this also .I read the book and stopped smoking the next night when i was offshore( my highest smoking zone).
That was 6 yrs ago .
Buy the book,you keep smoking whilst reading it and if you want to stop this will help you
just gone cold turkey myself ,i have nearly done 3 weeks now i, just have a 1.5mg lozeng when things get a bit tuff , partner just starting a course of champix , wish me luck because she might bite my head off in the next few weeks

lol good luck with that if you aint got no head left see if the nhs will give you a new on hehe.
where is the best place to get this e-cigs? i tried the inhalers myself, but they are hit and miss with nicote hit, sometimes really strong and sometimes trying to get as much out of it, but with no effect
where is the best place to get this e-cigs? i tried the inhalers myself, but they are hit and miss with nicote hit, sometimes really strong and sometimes trying to get as much out of it, but with no effect

Hi mate i was givein a good link by one of the members on here and i have a couple more over the weekend ill send you a pm with some links.Yeah i know what you mean by them inhalers tried them all b4 tbh just made me wanted to smoke more
I am now into my eight weeks off the cigs using the E-cigs.
Been smoking for 25 years and was up to 40 a day for the last three years.
I have tried everyway possible (expect hypnotherapy) and never lasted more than thee days.

A bit of will power is needed but the fact that I have something in my hand, get throat hit, getting nicotine and can blow smoke rings answers all the things I needed in a cigarette.

I use the menthol flavouring even though I wouldn't have smoked a menthol cig, the varity of choices of flavours is vast, chocolate, vanilla, coffe, apple etc etc.

What I would advise if get the new tank system, I use eGo-T tank system, I always carry a spare battery and atomiser as I never want to be stuck. Some people I know tried to use them like a cig, i.e smoking for 5 mins every hour, I just suck on mine all day when i feel like it, might use it for an hour and leave it for an hour.

Here is a link to the forum where I read about them at first, the thread is now 70 pages long but has some great info, read the first ten pages and skim the next 40 or so and read the end for up to date info.

E-Cigarettes - Some info and my experience -

I don't think I can post links to where I buy my liquids and replacement batteries and atomisers but I will respond to PMs from anyone that wants the info.


I am now into my eight weeks off the cigs using the E-cigs.
Been smoking for 25 years and was up to 40 a day for the last three years.
I have tried everyway possible (expect hypnotherapy) and never lasted more than thee days.

A bit of will power is needed but the fact that I have something in my hand, get throat hit, getting nicotine and can blow smoke rings answers all the things I needed in a cigarette.

I use the menthol flavouring even though I wouldn't have smoked a menthol cig, the varity of choices of flavours is vast, chocolate, vanilla, coffe, apple etc etc.

What I would advise if get the new tank system, I use eGo-T tank system, I always carry a spare battery and atomiser as I never want to be stuck. Some people I know tried to use them like a cig, i.e smoking for 5 mins every hour, I just suck on mine all day when i feel like it, might use it for an hour and leave it for an hour.

Here is a link to the forum where I read about them at first, the thread is now 70 pages long but has some great info, read the first ten pages and skim the next 40 or so and read the end for up to date info.

E-Cigarettes - Some info and my experience -

I don't think I can post links to where I buy my liquids and replacement batteries and atomisers but I will respond to PMs from anyone that wants the info.



Thanks very much you see now one thing i wanted to know is there is one thing about these cause im gonna order one weekend coming.Is the psychological part of when to stop cause obv u smoke and the cig goes donw but how would you know when to stop with an ecig?.

Thanks for all ur useful info tho much appriciated as its everything what i think appeals to me with ecigs.Also could you please send me a pm.

Many thanks
You stop when you feel like stopping, You drag on it like a normal cig, you get the throat hit and can blow out the vapour as you would smoke, the only difference it doesn't get stronger as the cigarette burns, you learn to control the amount of vapour you take in.

Pm will be sent in a few minutes.
Allen Carr's book "Easy Way" re-enforces a train of thought. It is essentially guided will power. I gave up after 20 years on them. A read of that book gave me all the will power and mental "tools" needed. Haven't smoked in 3 years and haven't wanted to either TBH.
Stop Smoking with Allen Carr

its a good book , ive got it, stopped for 2 years then started again , been on and off the fags since i was 15. 39 now but im not giving up, 4 times ive gave up, 2 years is the longest, but the hardest thing is staying stopped , its all down to will power,and how you go about it, im not saying its easy , first 2 weeks is the hardest,then it gets a bit better,also i found helpful is smoke line.
quit smoking after 16 years last year

you will be depressed for a the good part of a year

you will put on weight

you will be highly irritable, snappy & stressed for most of that period

if your serious about quitting then just give up and try exercise every day until you can 2 or 3 days without thinking about smoking

it is very simple m8

you will feel like shit for a while but it is better than being dead prematurely and saving yourself 7 quid a day

Basically this what MikeS says.

I gave up last year after 20 years on the cigs and it's basically a frame of mind ! I was playing football and got so out of breath my lungs would feel like they were on fire. I emptied my last pack of fags and that was that, but as I put out my last one I actually knew that it was my last. Put simply I am one determined, stubborn get and no matter how much I wanted one it was a case of none shall pass lol.
It was the triggers that I found hard ie when I got in my van I would spark up or after food and that first beer etc etc but once you beat those triggers then the rest is quite easy.

Here's what helped me decide that enough was enough

20 minutes after you quit, your blood pressure has already decreased, your pulse rate has dropped and the blood temperature of your hands and feet has increased.

2 hours after quitting, you have significantly reduced the nicotine in your system.

8 hours after quitting, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops as the oxygen increases to the normal level of a non-smoker. This is one of the best advantages of quitting smoking, as carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and tissues of oxygen.

At 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack has already decreased.

At 48 hours. These will make you smile... a couple of nice little health benefits of quitting smoking are that you will find your sense of smell improved, and as those sensitive nerve endings start regrowing, your taste buds will come alive again.

In 2 to 4 days, all nicotine by-products have gone from your body. That means there is no physical addictive substance left to niggle your brain.

Between 2 to 9 weeks, your circulation improves, walking and exercise will become easier and your lung function increases.

By 3 months, your fertility improves. This is an oft overlooked reason to quit smoking. Men's quality and density of sperm increases and women's chances of conceiving are increased, with less likelihood of miscarriage, or giving birth to babies with higher risks of stillbirth, cot death, premature or low birth weight and lifelong afflictions.

By now, the tar stains on your fingers and teeth will be eliminated.

Within the first 9 months, you will find that you no longer suffer from shortness of breath, and coughing, sinus congestion or fatigue will be rapidly improved.

By 1 year your risk of coronary heart disease is already half that of a smoker!

Also by now, due to increased oxygen, you will have noticeable improvement in your skin and gums. The oxygen goes towards repairing dry skin and premature wrinkles.

After 5 years the risk of lung cancer drops by half. Also your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas rapidly decreases. And every day thereafter these lifesaving health benefits of quitting smoking increase.