Project64 emulator - is it overrated ?


Hates everyone equally!
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Woodlands Cemetery,Scarborough overlooking the sea
Simple really, anyone think this n64 emulator is overrated ?

Personally I think it is, I still use it though but only for the high res texturing which seems to work alot better with this emulator, I think 1964 emulator is a much more complete emu in terms of options and stuff like that although admittedly it does crash a little too often for me.

So there is a new PJ64 in the works which prob won't see a public release until at least a year down the line and so basically do people think it is curently overrated but also what can the developers do to really improve the PJ64 emulator ?

Personally I think if there is one thing that PJ64 needs more than anything is to take a leaf out of 1964's book and make it possible to choose individual plugins for individual roms and save it like that instead of the current method of having to manually change the plugins for every game that needs it every single time you wanna play it.
both project64 and 1964 are great emulators
it depends on what game your playing

i personally think that project64 is slightly better, but not by much.
only ever used project 64 as that suited me fine for zelda and goldeneye!! top games that i wish were on the wii. i know zelda is but i also want goldeneye!! and perfect dark!!
personally find pj64 better than most emulators. the only game it has let me down on is diddy kong racing after you have defeated wizpig. graphics go weird.
only ever used project 64 as that suited me fine for zelda and goldeneye!! top games that i wish were on the wii. i know zelda is but i also want goldeneye!! and perfect dark!!

Yeah Nintendo need to get Goldeneye on the Wii virtual console, but Microsoft own the rights so I doubt it is gonna happen!
seriously? didnt know that. damn, my hopes and dreams have been tarnished!!!
Yes I would say that is true, seeing as how the developers Rare made Goldeneye on the N64 (and Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64 aswell) and since then Microsoft purchased Rare in order for them to make games exclusively for Microsoft hence the reason we have Conker Live n Reloaded on Xbox alone and the same thing with Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox yeah if Microsoft (through owning Rare) own all rights to Goldeneye amongst other Rare products I would seriously doubt Microsoft would allow any plus points to be given to their competition from them.....the only way it may be done (legally and officially) is if Nintendo go to the courts and say look AT THE TIME they made the said games for us for OUR console exclusively so therefore WE should hold all rights to these games as they are/were made for us exclusively so we should be able to do what we want with those.

If they were to do that (not necessarily saying they would win the case) but they would definitely have a point to argue the toss with, in my opinion.
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