Probs with new firefox

Just re-installed ZA pro.... see how that goes
Seems ok DAMAGE m8, i didnt install the latest ZA pro as it was after installing that too that i had the probs...... back to normal at last :) thanx again m8 for your help
if you do get problems with ZA you could try sygate. i find it very good but as long as its working best left alone lol .
K damage will see how i get on,had ZA for a few years now with no prob so i spect (as long as it doesnt play up)i will stick with this :)
Right,ive noticed one more prob it aint a big prob but none the less its annoying me LOL,when i get an email say from DW when i click on the link to it nothin happens,it did b4 but now nothing........ any ideas :)