pre workout suppliment


Inactive User
Nov 11, 2010
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Whats your fav ?

Just finished matrix rage, got some insane pumps and was lifting crazy weight!!

In the end became quite tolerable to it and it stopped working but for under £20 bucks it was worth

the money.

Anybody got any others they have used? don't want to spend a fortune so any ideas please do share :D
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Jack3d was really good but tolerance built up and sometimes the comedown was awful. Theres something called modafinil which is really good and no comedown, its about £5.20 for 10 tablets (200mg) and you can start by having half a tablet.
Jack3d was really good but tolerance built up and sometimes the comedown was awful. Theres something called modafinil which is really good and no comedown, its about £5.20 for 10 tablets (200mg) and you can start by having half a tablet.

you got the link for it ?

anybody got any others ?
cheers mate, anybody else got other suggestions ? looking for something to give me a good pump
ec stack is your best bet and is much cheaper than buying premade supplements. Ive done research into ephedrine hcl and caffeine it works together as an energy booster, appetite suppressent and thermogenic fat burner.
Some people swear by JACK3D - from what I've read it's a v.good pre-workout supplement for a good pump and energy etc. It might be worth trying it for a few weeks and seeing how you feel!