Portugal slip in the Greece



Decent enough opening game. Greece deserved their 2-1 win. Scored a gifted goal after mistake by defender, then a penalty and defended excellently throughout.
Apparently first game Greece have ever won at a major championships.
Portugal did the usual ...... some great players but all individuals, not team players.
lets hope theres more shocks in store with some unfancied teams upsetting the odds.
Potugal should now have to beat Spain to progress beyond opening stage....... should be a heated local derby :) and a good one for the neutrals to watch
Scored a gifted goal after mistake by defender
The opportunity was gifted, but he still made a good job of putting it away.
Let's hope for some more shocks to liven things up. Portugal were reckoned to be one of the favourites. I thought they were awful.

:) :) :)
he didnt seem to hit it with much power - -they were all backing off him and i thought the golie could have saved it, even though he was a bit unsighted. The ball seemed to bounce and wobble all the way to the back of the goal. Still a well taken opportunity though