Please Welcome Our New Jnr Admin

well done bud. not that we,ve spoke much but hopefully next coming few months once other mods are decided we can look forward to new things :Clap::Clap:
Congratulations on your promotion :Clap:
:Clap: CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS m8! :Clap:
Congratulations Mairyhinge! Very well deserved! :Clap:
we're all doomed i tell yer doomed ,the'll be no peace in d.w. till he gets his badge
well done mate,good addition
damn, i feel bad as i am last to congrat you, well, untill someone posts after me LOL then i won't be last.

Well done m8, and well deserved.
Highlander, i won't allow that hahah, congrats Mairyhinge, i remember when you had around 7000 posts or something? lol, with great power comes great responsibility ;) Don't go effin about in the Admin panel while drunk :)
well done mairyhinge...always there to help.

cheers. etc/WellDone5FBPOsnag.jpg

:Clap: Congratulation. :Clap: