Please Please Help with Jtag Question.


Inactive User
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi Im pulling my hair out.

Everytime I flash the hacked firmware for a Falcon board, the xbox goes dead, it wont power on at all.

I know my wiring is correct because if I flash back the orig.bin It powers up and works fine.

Can someone tell me the exact file name I should be flashing for a falcon board in case im flashing the wrong file.

I am understanding that I use nandpro to extract the cpu key and config from my orig.bin and add it to the appropiate hacked firmware.

Pls help

Ps I have added the smc wiring, and disconnect it when booting my orig.bin

Not a very good guide, i tried using it, it says nothing about what to do with 360 flash tool after you open your dump. Or about injecting your info into the xell image.

P.S. What exact filename did you use for you falcons

what you mean it just goes dead do you have an error code

check your jtag conection not the lpt cable wires you use to flash the nand
pull the ltp cable out of computer after you flashed it with xbr
not something still having the lpt connected to the pc? As they're not meant to power on when that is in? edit: oops late to havelln says :)
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No plugged out, Im sure my smc connections are ok.
I take it that when you flash the original nand back - that you then remove the smc connections? As from what I've heard its not meant to boot in that case until they've been removed.

It certainly sounds potentially smc related then if lpt cable isn't connected (unless its touching/shorting on something else when rested?)

Did you do the method with 1n4148 diodes? or the older 330ohm resistor method? I used the diodes - connected directly to mobo points..and of course the black line on them pointing the correct direction
Yes did all that with diodes.

Im now getting the xbox to turn on with the hacked firmware, but im geting a black screen and one flashing red light after 5 seconds.
Thanks for all your help.

The story so far. I am 100 percent sure my smc connections are ok.

Everytime I flash the xbox falcon hacked image I get a blinking single red light.

So I read back the hacked image from the xbox with nandpro and compared it to what I am trying to flash to it.

Ive done this twice and both times I got 3 differences in what is flashed on the xbox and what I am trying to write, to it.

Any ideas.
could possibly be the cable length or the swtich not being close enough to mobo when reading / flashing casuing random errors

did you use a switch diode? i had issues until i had mine coming direct from the xbox mobo