People who don't speak properly!

c*nts who use "of" instead of "have".

as in "you should of phoned me"

WTF? did you miss the first 2 years of primary f*king education totally then?

This is rife and must has to be stopped.

It's the thin end of the wedge I tell you.
Oh, shit.

I just remembered my little brother. He is dyslexic (I got all the brains).

He says even now, well into his twenties, 'countalator' for calculator, and 'bsghetti' for spaghetti.

I used to say secret squiggle, instead of squirrel, I am reliably informed by my mother. But, I was four at the time.
I remember watching The Incredibubble Hulk as a kid...
Oh, shit.

I just remembered my little brother. He is dyslexic (I got all the brains).

He says even now, well into his twenties, 'countalator' for calculator, and 'bsghetti' for spaghetti.

I used to say secret squiggle, instead of squirrel, I am reliably informed by my mother. But, I was four at the time.

not sure his dyslexic m8 .. l am and have problems spelling and reading but not saying words ,, r u sure his not just mad lol
Oh, shit.

I just remembered my little brother. He is dyslexic (I got all the brains).

He says even now, well into his twenties, 'countalator' for calculator, and 'bsghetti' for spaghetti.

I used to say secret squiggle, instead of squirrel, I am reliably informed by my mother. But, I was four at the time.

Lol, that's interesting. One of my lads is dyslexic (nothing to do with brains though, he's got an Eng. Lit.Hons. degree)....He also says 'bsghetti'.
Lol, that's interesting. One of my lads is dyslexic (nothing to do with brains though, he's got an Eng. Lit.Hons. degree)....He also says 'bsghetti'.

just asked the wife if theres any words l get mixed up and she said there was .. l say NO when l should say Yes
c*nts who use "of" instead of "have".

as in "you should of phoned me"

WTF? did you miss the first 2 years of primary f*king education totally then?

This is rife and must has to be stopped.

It's the thin end of the wedge I tell you.
100% behind you with that one. I thinks it's because of the contraction would've/should've/could've/must've and so on being corrupted and folks not realising it's a contraction and not two separate words. :silly:
You're obviously far superior to that member of staff, and the dumb fookers on ebay.
Long may you ahem! rein? ;)

The ebay thing does wind me up sometimes though :)
I work in an office and there is a member of staff who can't say breakfast properly, which is annoying considering I work in the hotel trade so she says it about 20 times a day.

Always says "braykfast" instead of breakfast. DRIVES ME NUTS!

One day I'll snap, jump over her desk, grab the phone cord and put it between her teeth. Then use it as reigns to ride her round the office like a pony while shouting "BREAKFAST BREAKFAST BREAKFAST"

That was the original pronunciation.
It was two words 'break' and 'fast' meaning breaking the fast of the night.
Perhaps she is 300 years old.

One of my pet hates are people who say HAITCH instead of AITCH.
I'm not too keen on text messages. But those twats who are always texing their texes want me to punch them.

Even worse are the people with perfectly good computer keyboards infront of them use post on forums using TXT-Speak.
Another one! A favourite of lazy television and radio newsreaders.

Lawr and order.

Since when did "law" have an effing 'r'in it? :Angryfire
i think a lot comes from different dialect and accents..i am a scouser and because i was expelled from school many years ago i was sent to a school in st helens (where woolybacks live and sheep are very scared) they talk a bit like mancs ...anyway an english teacher there explained (in a strong woolyback accent) he wants a few paragraphs and a i asked (in my broad scouse accent) "where abouts do you want us to do the drawring" (mispelt for the purpose of effect) so he made me stand up and spell "drawring" so i stood up and spelt it out " d r a w i n g" he quite correctly pointed out that there is no "r" after "w" in the word "drawing"..he said theres no such word as "drawring you stupid scouser" so i said ."this coming from a man who drinks in a pub called "the bird 'ith hand"
f**king sheep sha** guessed it ..i was expelled from there too...
Bird I'th Hand - Bars And Pubs in St Helens WA10
Fink and free as in think and three do my head in . I really don't know what they are teaching them at school these days
i really hate it when people say aks instead of ask..
and there used to be this bloke in work who used to whistle every time he pronounced his s's......i just wanted to smash him in the mouth so his lips swelled and he couldn't do it'e calmed down a lot since then...
i really hate it when people say aks instead of ask..
and there used to be this bloke in work who used to whistle every time he pronounced his s's......i just wanted to smash him in the mouth so his lips swelled and he couldn't do it'e calmed down a lot since then...

Bring back memories?

ive got a couple that drive the misses wild redchester instead of register instead of series serious.i once had a nightmare on the phone to william hills i was saying can i redchester she thought i was trying to put a bet on red at chester