password hacking for wifi


Inactive User
Oct 28, 2005
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can some one tell me how to get a password hack for bt home hub so i can log on to some one internet
can some one tell me how to get a password hack for bt home hub so i can log on to some one internet

Errr.... You mean the WEP key?? You would need a WEP hacker I guess. No password on them, but you need the WEP key to connect.
you need aircrack and a linux distro and a just so network card - its a pain in the hole though. Easier to break in and hook up a cable to it ... now if you were in ireland on the other hand ......
google for: Wifi_Hack_AIO_2009.
i have a link but don't know if it 's permitted to post it here
You cant post anything that can be used to defraud the CC,s mate .....But your advice is good
look for something called backtrack... it is a live cd that can hack wep/wpa and even wpa2.

Good luck with it though... unless you know what your doing, bt home hub is a bitch! i would also recommend some more reading/research on the matter
you see this question come up all the time, don't you, not as easy as just hacking with windows, all the stuff is Linux based (backtrack) it's cool - as long as you have a compatible wireless card etc, then your good to sniff! you'll have to do a lot of reading and that though..... burn the midnight oil!