Palm TX


Inactive User
Apr 5, 2008
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Hi Guy's, Hope some one will be able to help me. I have a Palm TX and would like to make it a satnav.

1. What software do I need to do thie ?
2. Where can I get it ? (Free if possible) Tomtom I heard is the best .
3. How do I do it ?

I hope some one will be able to help :Cheers:
Hi Taxx2301, I use a PalmTX with TT everyday.

Good news is it can and does run TT

Bad news is only V5 reliably (Google PalmTX tt6 memory problems)

There is a fix to make it V6 compatible but it changes the way the memory is allocated and some people have had it hang on them.

Next problem TT5 is a little slow on a PalmTX not too bad, but not great. TT6 will surely be slower?

TT5 doesn't have the latest maps, but they aren't too out of date.

Lastly the screen isn't too bright in bright sunlight. While running TT look on the bottom of the screen, you will see a tiny clock, click on that and it allows you to adjust the screen brightness while running TT. At full brightness in full sunlight, it's difficult to see properly .

And remember to add the price of a car mount/charger and a GPS receiver.

THAT will cost more than a cheap satnav that's hackable and will be better, faster, brighter and will run later versions of TT.

This is hackable and I'v done 2. Nice bright screen (i've used legitimate copies of TT on my devices of course, wouldn't dream of using a copy from the internet, no sir, not me, honest). £66.99 Try and buy a mount/charger and GPS receiver for that much. Check out the customer reviews and even some posts I have made on this site for how to hack it.

Thanks for the advise convert I think I will stick to using my N73 as a satnav thanks again mate :)