pacino_v1.0 1x & 2x feedback please

leexgx said:
its an bit intermitant like now its ok but its when your hard at changeing chans fast (kids) it go off

i try the 4 images in here to see what happens it just take me days find witch one does not lose epg

i dont know just flicked fast by holding the button down and it flicked through about 20 channels and still its ok

but thats maybe cause im working on the v1.2 probably i dont know

I doubt it's box specific, why would the epg stay on Liam's enigmax and not pacino 1.0 on the same box? I haven't tried the Keywelt image yet, but I suspect it's a Neutrino issue.
Managed to restore my Dbox after a bad flash. Your image is excellent, works PERFECTLY. Thanks M8

Yes trully excellent image for a version 1. just waiting for an update on the locals file anybody acheived this as yet? by the by just a little note not sure if it significant or not. I switched from 1.7 uk05 and since scanning i have picked sm9-etv? what is this chan used for. I can only guess its something to do with either a movie trailer channel or interactive. all it says is please wait while loading or something along those lines. anybody got an explenation for this? Will be going back to 1.7uk05 though untill further support and updates become available. Top quality though the image is, i hate not being able to read the german bits n stuff. But credit where credit due been running for 2 day now and everything running sweet as a nut.
i probly should of made an new topic (probly make one any way)

useing keywit 3.1 and epg still goes off but it seems to auto restart epg on its own but its only done it once (do not like the web interface on keywit)
Joe_Social said:
I doubt it's box specific, why would the epg stay on Liam's enigmax and not pacino 1.0 on the same box? I haven't tried the Keywelt image yet, but I suspect it's a Neutrino issue.

it cant be Neutrino base problems as a lot of people says the epg runs perfectly 2x and 1x so must be box specific with images not epg

section option in service scan explanation

Just before i go back to 1.7uk05 could anyone point me in the right direction in to finding out what the NEW option in the service scan is. It says something like section = off but the other options are ON or with/o messages. I hope someone knows what im talkin about because im buggered if i do lol. no seriously dont mind searching but wondered if anybody could brief me on it. cheers guys. n gals.
wenglishboy said:
Just before i go back to 1.7uk05 could anyone point me in the right direction in to finding out what the NEW option in the service scan is. It says something like section = off but the other options are ON or with/o messages. I hope someone knows what im talkin about because im buggered if i do lol. no seriously dont mind searching but wondered if anybody could brief me on it. cheers guys. n gals.

yes m8 sometime in the future or soon for the uk people if you put it to on it will get all channels automatically so no need to scan ever again but dont try it yet as its not working for the uk as of yet

but people are working on it

the option is on will every so often say loading channels on screen and on w/out is no messages on screen

hope that enlightened you there m8

enlightend yes... still in the dark yesssssss

yeah cheers gav. i will keep this image rolling then for a month or two and see what comes up in the wonderfull world-of-digital. I like the sound of never having to scan again.... but i cant be arsed to put all pluggins etc back together. cheers gav... u da man...

well done another grate image has been on my box for a week now very stable like watching a dvd no probs atall:Cheers:
bloodstone1964 said:
well this image stays solid for 2 days just in and noticed its froze had to reboot box to free it up ,

with the upgrade since whenever i started it

i have had no probs whatever its been fine very solid for me

thats ever since i have been working on it since the day after i released the v1.0

i think you will find that pacino v1.2 will rock or should i say should rock

Nice image however some channels if you go on it, it wont do a thing. ie last night I moved from itv2 to itv 4 and the channel was black went up a few channels and they where the same so at times it works but I do like the way it organises the channels.
fook that bro. Im sticking with this mo fo of an image. For the first time EVER ive been able to watch tv on me laptop. and i think its all down to this image. Its staying. the picture and sound are perfect on both laptop and tv. now all i need is about 20ft of ethernet cable so i can watch the tv upstairs in bedroom and bathroom etc. fook the plugins im dead chuffed... BIG SHOUT TO GAV for making me grin like a chesire cat. and makin my misses think that all my money and time spent on the dox was worth it. She now thinks that im some sort of computer wizard. Sorry gav i aint telling her that its all down to your hardwork.....
wenglishboy said:
fook that bro. Im sticking with this mo fo of an image. For the first time EVER ive been able to watch tv on me laptop. and i think its all down to this image. Its staying. the picture and sound are perfect on both laptop and tv. now all i need is about 20ft of ethernet cable so i can watch the tv upstairs in bedroom and bathroom etc. fook the plugins im dead chuffed... BIG SHOUT TO GAV for making me grin like a chesire cat. and makin my misses think that all my money and time spent on the dox was worth it. She now thinks that im some sort of computer wizard. Sorry gav i aint telling her that its all down to your hardwork.....
i take it you are well pleased then m8 lol(whats it worth not to tell your missus) lol
wenglishboy said:
fook that bro. Im sticking with this mo fo of an image. For the first time EVER ive been able to watch tv on me laptop. and i think its all down to this image. Its staying. the picture and sound are perfect on both laptop and tv. now all i need is about 20ft of ethernet cable so i can watch the tv upstairs in bedroom and bathroom etc. fook the plugins im dead chuffed... BIG SHOUT TO GAV for making me grin like a chesire cat. and makin my misses think that all my money and time spent on the dox was worth it. She now thinks that im some sort of computer wizard. Sorry gav i aint telling her that its all down to your hardwork.....

cheers m8 for that

i hope it all works out for you to get that extra length wire so you can watch it upstairs m8

and hay she's your misses good to see my hard work making other members wifes happy lol even if your taking the glory for it its just great to see lol

oh yeah thought id mention it my misses thinks that remote control on the yweb is brilliant idea. and i do. she does know i didnt do that i think. but hey she aint askin and i aint telling
bloodstone1964 said:
a little freeze. but now set my box to stand bye. seems a lot better but i cant have my clock on .

why cant you have your clock on m8 strange one this!!!!!

had it one about a week, streaming works (didnt with pretty much every other image i tried).

spot on with this one!