Opos Frustrations !!!!!

Hi guys !!!!!
I'm a newbie and this is my first post, so bare with me if I sound silly.
Here goes .....
I have a pace 2000 in TW area and was running a funcard4 for about 2 years until my trader ugraded me to an opos around 5 months ago. All was hunky dorey until about 6 weeks ago when for some reason all that could be viewed was normal terestrial. As the funcard still works i decided to try to reprogramme the opos myself using an infinity usb unlimited. I lifted the ird and bk from a funcard flash and then spent around 5 solid days researching on this great site.
Now, I've followed SHEJ's tutorial to the letter and used Benny's TW Rom 10 images, but all I get when I try to use my now reprogrammed opos is the same terestrial channels with the addition of an error message saying "Invalid card":doh:. I'm pretty sure I have the correct IRD and BK as I used funviewer. Is the problem that I need a better Rom 10 image ?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!
Thanks. :Cheers:
Vinvin said:
Hi guys !!!!!
I'm a newbie and this is my first post, so bare with me if I sound silly.
Here goes .....
I have a pace 2000 in TW area and was running a funcard4 for about 2 years until my trader ugraded me to an opos around 5 months ago. All was hunky dorey until about 6 weeks ago when for some reason all that could be viewed was normal terestrial. As the funcard still works i decided to try to reprogramme the opos myself using an infinity usb unlimited. I lifted the ird and bk from a funcard flash and then spent around 5 solid days researching on this great site.
Now, I've followed SHEJ's tutorial to the letter and used Benny's TW Rom 10 images, but all I get when I try to use my now reprogrammed opos is the same terestrial channels with the addition of an error message saying "Invalid card":doh:. I'm pretty sure I have the correct IRD and BK as I used funviewer. Is the problem that I need a better Rom 10 image ?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!
Thanks. :Cheers:

Never done an opos card so don't know much about them? but I have heard something about the OS installed on the card has to be either 1.03 or 1.04? Have you set the card up with the correct one?
i know quite a bit about opos so hopefully we can get yours working again. i take it you have a programmer that can be run in phoenix?. ok put your programer in phoenix and open up opos loader and hit erase, wait for it to be fully erased. next use the flash,eeprom.cryptkey dated 18102005 and program it. 1st step done.

now open up nagra edit and use the following tw image. click data editor enter your ird, bk and cam id all 3 cam ids have to be the same. dont do them as all 0. save this. this is now you bn10 image.

open up winexplorer open the loadeep script it will ask for a bn10 image select then one you just saved, a whole bunch of text should scroll down, wait for it to finish, then remove and try.
Thanks for that Mate !!!!!!

I'll give them a whirl and let you know how it goes.

One question however. Do you have to enter the IRD backwards in nagraedit?

pritesh said:
i know quite a bit about opos so hopefully we can get yours working again. i take it you have a programmer that can be run in phoenix?. ok put your programer in phoenix and open up opos loader and hit erase, wait for it to be fully erased. next use the flash,eeprom.cryptkey dated 18102005 and program it. 1st step done.

now open up nagra edit and use the following tw image. click data editor enter your ird, bk and cam id all 3 cam ids have to be the same. dont do them as all 0. save this. this is now you bn10 image.

open up winexplorer open the loadeep script it will ask for a bn10 image select then one you just saved, a whole bunch of text should scroll down, wait for it to finish, then remove and try.

Nice one m8, sound pretty much the same as programming a tit card?:)
yes very similar to a tit card i think its a bit easier actually. any way i all ways enter the ird starting with 12 but sometimes i forget and do it the other as xx xx xx 12 and it still works but just try both ways.
One more question mate !!!!
Can I enter any value I want for the Cam Id or is there a specific way to find the actual cam id.
Also just to clarify, if IRD is 12 34 56 78, to you enter it into nagra edit as 87 65 43 21.

yes you can enter it backwards but if it dosent work try it the other way round so try it as 12 XX XX XX if that dosent work try xx xx xx 12. as for cam id enter any thing e.g. 11111111 for all 3 but dont enter all zeros. and you dint enter the ird in reverse as you have shown so your ird will all ways contain a 12 or 3e. so when you enter you ird, enter it as 12 XX XX XX or XX XX XX XX but not 21 XX XX XX or XX XX XX 21.
yes enter any thing for cam id but make sure there all the same. so for eg 12 34 56 78 for all 3. enter your ird as 12 xx xx xx or xx xx xx 12 NOT 21 xx xx xx or xx xx xx 21.hope that helps.
Geting there mate, now have terestrial and fta channels but everything else is still locked. No more "invalid card" message though. Getting there.....

Any ideas
its probaly just updateing try booking a film or take the box off from the mains. dont switch it off but actually pull the plug out, then take off the nthell wire count slowly to ten then connect it back up.
Hi Vinvin

Your IRD would be 87 56 34 12 !!!!!!!!

Cheers Garry

if your ird is lets say 12 67 34 78 the correct way

the revers would be 78 34 67 12.
Thanks guys !!!!!

I'll give it another go and let you both know how it goes. Pritesh, by the nthell wire I asume you mean the actual feed wire.

Success !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys RULE !!!!!!!

Pritesh, you are "De Man", thanks for the files, and garry, cheers for the advice about inputting IRD !!!!!!!!!!

Its such a buzz getting it all to work. I know it sounds silly, but it really does feel like an accomplishmnet !!!!!

DW ROCKS !!!!!!

Cheers guys