Hi guys !!!!!
I'm a newbie and this is my first post, so bare with me if I sound silly.
Here goes .....
I have a pace 2000 in TW area and was running a funcard4 for about 2 years until my trader ugraded me to an opos around 5 months ago. All was hunky dorey until about 6 weeks ago when for some reason all that could be viewed was normal terestrial. As the funcard still works i decided to try to reprogramme the opos myself using an infinity usb unlimited. I lifted the ird and bk from a funcard flash and then spent around 5 solid days researching on this great site.
Now, I've followed SHEJ's tutorial to the letter and used Benny's TW Rom 10 images, but all I get when I try to use my now reprogrammed opos is the same terestrial channels with the addition of an error message saying "Invalid card":doh:. I'm pretty sure I have the correct IRD and BK as I used funviewer. Is the problem that I need a better Rom 10 image ?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!
Thanks. :Cheers:
I'm a newbie and this is my first post, so bare with me if I sound silly.
Here goes .....
I have a pace 2000 in TW area and was running a funcard4 for about 2 years until my trader ugraded me to an opos around 5 months ago. All was hunky dorey until about 6 weeks ago when for some reason all that could be viewed was normal terestrial. As the funcard still works i decided to try to reprogramme the opos myself using an infinity usb unlimited. I lifted the ird and bk from a funcard flash and then spent around 5 solid days researching on this great site.
Now, I've followed SHEJ's tutorial to the letter and used Benny's TW Rom 10 images, but all I get when I try to use my now reprogrammed opos is the same terestrial channels with the addition of an error message saying "Invalid card":doh:. I'm pretty sure I have the correct IRD and BK as I used funviewer. Is the problem that I need a better Rom 10 image ?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!
Thanks. :Cheers: