NTL email problem


DW Regular
Jul 28, 2005
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I'm having a problem with my email accound. I get get emails but can't send them. all the settings seem fine when i've had a look at them.

soon as i send somethink i get this message:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Chris G', Server: 'smtp.ntlworld.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10057, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

any help would be great

you are actually logged on to the NTL network - and not just going over the internet to ntl ? or dialled in ?

can you ping smtp.ntlworld.com it should show a similar response time to pop.ntlworld.com

with smtp mail you need to be logged on to the same network to send mail, any network to recieve mail (pop3)
im on boardband not using dial up.

how can i ping the smtp.ntlworld.com

don't know alot when it come to this email things.

if i need to be logged onto the network to get the smtp mail, then how would i do that.
has it ever worked ?

If not - then you need to get onto the NTLWORLD website and go to the support pages - they will give you a step by step guide on how to set it up

If you are connected to NTL for your broadband then you are on the NTL network.
could be anything, but for sure, some settings have been changed somewhere.

simplest way is to do a system restore to the last day that you knew it was working. This will restore your mail and network settings to a known working day.
I'm sure NTHell and Telepest changed it so that the SMTP server had to have the same authorization as the POP3. In outlook or outlook express select tools - e-mail accounts - view or change exsiting account and go to outgoing server (SMTP). There should be a click box that needs selecting and it's use the same authorization as POP3 Incoming server?

I'll double check at home as we use a different set up at work. You'll see what I mean though?
mail server is pop3 server

incoming mail (pop3) pop.ntlworld.com

outgoing mailis (smtp) smtp.ntlworld.com

for outlook express
Give it some time without touching anything. NTL's mail servers are notorious with their unreliability. My advice is set up another email account and have the ntl one to redirect all your mail to your new account
Just for ur info some servers have lockouts of them, so if for some reason that wasnt a brute force password hack, happens occasionally as servers are grumpy sometimes that u get locked

if ur on a 5 min lock n u hit the box with an access u just restarted the timer

so its best to give problems like that 10 mins min 2 see if they clear ;-)
Hi mate, did this problem get sorted?

If it's still ongoing, you mentioned that "it only started happening from last weekend"?

Did anything change on your PC that weekend - e.g. any new software installed etc? Particulary any new or updated anti-virus/internet security/home firewall software??

Reason I ask is because often this type of software has an option to block outbound traffic over port 25 (yeah i know - talk about OVER-protective!) - so it might be worth checking this port isnt being blocked on your local machine.
if you are using a stand alone email prog then try sending and recieving mail direct from ntlworld.com homepage, you can get and send mail that way if it works then your stand alone prog may have corrupted, give it a try
sos thought i updated this thead.

Sorted the email problem out after 2 days of scatching my head and other places i phoned NTL. According to them they were updating there mail server in my area about that time but it wuldn't of locked me out from sending emails.

so was back to doing some scatching, then when watching The footie in mid week the wife just says "Hows that new Anti virus software going, Seems to be alot better than the other ones, less pop ups and stuff"


I checked what the anti virus program was blocking and it was blocking any out going connection to email cos it said it was at risk.

All sorted now tho.

Should of know the wife would of been behind it lol

cheers for everyone who has given their feedback
hahaha - wifes and girlfriends eh?? what can you do!

yeah thought that the AV software blocking port 25 would be the cause... always amazes me how this sort of software can install with that as a DEFAULT setting?!?!?

Or even worse is when it has a port 80 blocking rule (to 'protect' you!) and of course that prevents your web access!!!

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