Sensible Topic North Korea


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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Well it was coming... the debate that is :)

What are your opinions on North Korea and the War with the south.

Hey, we didn't start the fire... and as far as that Marilyn Monroe goes......

Seriously though, I don't know why the pair of them just don't blow each other to kingdom come, I'm tired of reading it in the press; "we are friends, now we are not, yes we are, let's sign a treaty, lets not..." they have been fighting since 1953 and it's never likely to stop. North Korea seem to stomp up and down at the very sight of something they think has potential to upset their "regime" like some spoilt child.

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a genuine workers' state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests."

Maybe that ethos just isn't working for them...especially in light they are a communist dictatorship.

EDIT: Actually, it was 1950, because N. Korea decided just for the hell of it to attack S. Korea, but then again Syngman Rhee wasn't exactly the most "accommodating"
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I do not really know what to make of it all?

One part of me thinks that its just all a show of might from the north koreans (stamping their feet), another part of me thinks the Americans just want this over with, and are provoking the North Koreans into retaliation.

I just wonder is the North Korean leader young enough to make drastic decisions that maybe a more experienced leader might avoid?

why would the north Korea leader want to avoid anything ?? he has no choice
he has just got into power and wants to show he can flex his mussels proving he can be as hard as his father and keep hold of power
if he shows any sign of weakness he is up a creek and will lose control
given his upbringing most would expect nothing less other than to see how far he can go before the west and south Korea make a step down or he has to
Long as they dont start firing nukes over this way they can do what the **** they like!

Also same goes for us if we dont get involved.
Unfortunately Kim Jong-un is still unpredictable due to his short reign but the puppet masters of incumbent generals are bat-shit-crazy enough to escalate it.

One press of the button and we're all fooked really. Obviously the loss of life will be devastating but any nuclear action in that region will decimate our technology crazed lives.

The good news is your future new Galaxy S5 smart phone will finally run for 100 years without a charge due to the radioactive decaying battery... bad news is all the other components will make your hair and teeth fall out and you'll probably find yourself curled up in a ball and dead within 3 months courtesy of Samsung et al.

If you thought this winter was bad, just wait until those of us unlucky to survive have to experience a nuclear one :FRIGHT:
Long as they dont start firing nukes over this way they can do what the **** they like!

Also same goes for us if we dont get involved.

They don't have the range, the most they can reach is outer Australia, Alaska/Canada, China and Iran and that's a best case scenario. It's the fallout, prevailing weather and what is carried in winds is what you need to watch, nevermind the social/technical decline.
why would the north Korea leader want to avoid anything ?? he has no choice
he has just got into power and wants to show he can flex his mussels proving he can be as hard as his father and keep hold of powerif he shows any sign of weakness he is up a creek and will lose control
given his upbringing most would expect nothing less other than to see how far he can go before the west and south Korea make a step down or he has to

He may have the mussels but has he got the cockles to back it up? I reckon he should crawl back into his shell before the US batters him. :Biggrin2:
North Korea are doing the only thing they can in this game and, at the moment, they are winning.
Long as they dont start firing nukes over this way they can do what the **** they like!

Also same goes for us if we dont get involved.

I care, got a Hyundai car, spares may become a problem. :Biggrin2:
Part of me thinks they are just flexing their muscles, its just bluster, an attempt to get the masses behind the new leader.

But the guy has been brought up to believes he is a god ffs.

The trend of nuclear power in the hands of unstable states is a worry long term. India/Pakistan Israel/Palestine

It does make me wonder if it is inevitable that it happens at some point.
They don't need to hit the US, all they need to do is hit South Korea or Japan.
Part of me thinks they are just flexing their muscles, its just bluster, an attempt to get the masses behind the new leader.

But the guy has been brought up to believes he is a god ffs.

The trend of nuclear power in the hands of unstable states is a worry long term. India/Pakistan Israel/Palestine

It does make me wonder if it is inevitable that it happens at some point.

It is looking inevitable, if not now, some time soon, possibly different protagonists. These countries won't see sense
until something like the cuban missile crisis happens. I was a teenager at the time, wasn't very concerned, only realized
how scarey that was later. Now I see films where the hero survives a nuclear blast by sitting in an old fridge.

I know newbie doesn't necessarily mean you're young, but if you are, realism gives some hope.:)
Jesus wept, and we thought Kim jong il was a fruit loop, looks like its in the genes, nuke the bastards, then ask what they want, fooking lunatics
One of the handy things about an armistice (and there never was a peace treaty) is you're still, technically, at war. It would be unwise to be complacent but no point in provocation either although even the Chinese are losing patience with North Korea.
Source Sky News : The North Korean military says it has ratified a "merciless" attack against the United States, potentially involving a "cutting-edge" nuclear strike.

Getting interesting now. I predict complete annihilation of North Korea in the next fortnight.
fook, ill buy that hard drive i wanted now then before stocks get blown to sh!t lol
should we treat this 29 yrs Leader as a joke...
he seems to have fun , pressing his play station buttons..
and if in a bad mood he may well press the OTHER one!!
Slightly off topic, but related.

After nearly two years of "Arab spring" etc, and now this, attention has been diverted from Iran.

They seem uncharacteristically quiet, but I hope they're still being watched.