Nokia N97 on 3!!


Inactive User
Oct 11, 2005
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If I told you that I would have to kill you.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place here. Got an N97 from eBay locked to 3 network.

Trying to get it unlocked. Phoned 3, they cant do it as I'm not a customer! Also, all unlock sites don't seem to offer the unlock for 3 network!

Any ideas!??
i bought a phone from ebay and when i called orange to have it unlocked they wouldn't as the IMEI was registered to someone what i did was i called the guy i bought it off and asked him to speak to orange and have it unlocked for me...i paid him through paypal and he arranged for orange to unlock it. job done

i'd say get in done by 3 themselves they charge £15. don't get it done from market as not all of the places have the right software to unlock it - they may end up damaging. screwing up the software on the phone