no offence, just a dream



it's after one in the morning i've just awoke out of a nightmare like no other.<br />im pushing a trolley around tesco's and reach the dairy counter.<br />i pick up a box of what i thought were a dozen eggs but find it empty.<br />only after closing the box i realise why,..the label says 'mR aNFIELDS free range hex'.<br />true to its conviction i could not complain to the manager as its contents were true.<br />'buy one get one free'..... 'naieve? buy two get bull for life.(check posts for confirmation).<br />upon reading aload in dismay mR aNFIELD himself appeared in hex form and said aloud (in caps) YOU WONT TAKE ME ALIVE M8Y HE HE HE HE. i drew my light sabre hex (downloadable from mRaNFIELD.COM/ivegotit/georgelucasspareparts/)and proceeded to sabre all products in the aNFIELD range.<br />i awoke to find myself brandishing a french loaf playing golf with dog poo!!!! no difference!!<br />UNCANNY???????

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: les ]</p>
MOVING TO THE LAUGHTER ROOM <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: Mickie ]</p>