No Channels - Evocamd fault?


Inactive User
Mar 17, 2005
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I have 2 dboxes both running identical Next-Gen 2*image and both Bmonv1.0 , 1 working perfectly and the other coming up with "channel not available". I checked my boot log after reading because I thought it may be a faulty tuner, but I didnt have the line that Dingodog had. When I compared boot logs from my boxes. The difference was the good 1 said

[evocamd] Process id 140
[camd] ca system id: 1722
[camd] no card is in slot #2
[camd] no card is in slot #1
[neutrino] frameBuffer Instance created
812k video mem

and the faulty 1 said

[evocamd] Process id 140
[camd] CA_SEND_MSG: Remote I/O error
[neutrino] frameBuffer Instance created
812k video mem

Does anyone know if this is hardware or software?
Cheers in advance.
Might be worth re-flashing the box, could just be a corrupt file on the image?
[camd] CA_SEND_MSG: Remote I/O error
If you get such a message the SEC chip is faulty or the file cam-alpha.bin is missing.
Thanks for the replies.
tried flashing with IFA still no joy.
checked in var/tuxbox/ucodes and cam-alpha.bin is there (after IFA flash). What exactly is the SEC chip?
The SEC chip is a control chip which decides to bring a card in cardreader Karte1 into the game or let the dates untouched and let them pass.
If that chip is dead the video and audio information don't go further to the avia chipset.
Thanks a lot mate. Guess its taking a trip back home then!!