New Style Image Scanning issues

As far as I have read but not sure what the script name is for squashfs m8


thought I found the script but no joy:

/tmp/root/lib # mksquashfs /tmp/root/lib/libstdc\+\ /lib/
Could not create destination file: Read-only file system

looks like mksquashfs is to make the actual file system but does not allow edit. I read somewhere that cryo sportster has a built-in editor but i believe that only applied with cryo 1.0.2 Ultra1.3 - i'm running cryo 1.0.2 Ultra1.4b

It's in the dev menu
Bumping this for any others who might have the problem.

Have exactly the same situation ie a grumpy missus and a dbox that wont find all my channels using newer images !

I havent put sportster 1.73 back on to test but am confident that that is one of the two solutions , the other being move it downstairs and redo the scan using a new image on a better tv socket.

Thanks Fergalsworld.
Hi m8s,

You can find the full channel list for the guildford area in the services.xml thread.

Hope this helps.

GCN504, i'm in the same area as you. The only images that ever worked for me were sportsters by Dee_jay (sorry i can't quite rember his name). I've tried Commando and a bunch of other new releases but could only ever get 50 stations in a scan. I've heard (in another forum) that you need to edit cables.xml so it works with services.xml (think they were refering to the provider line but i'm too new to dbox2 to understand yet). i'm now using Enigma for full scanning. cheers crumb.
This issue seems to be fixed now, did a scan with my beta3.5 and it found (nearly) all the channels :)