New encryption system nagra3 open

nice find mate, hope it will work with the tmates soon,
Fingers crossed lads we should get them on emu soon but there is the chance it will be on an ice scraper before it comes to emu providing it is hacked.
There is a possiblity that the keys could be correct if Nagra 3 is relally hacked but they won't be of any use to anyone without a new emu for Nagra 3 implimented in patches.
If they can be correctly tested then there must be an n3 emulation. This is more important than keys, so we await your friends to release or sell the hack. Hopefully it will happen soon.
was never a suggestion that you would fearona, just thought you had bought some new kit
who the fook as put that on my reply ie when not logged in
just ignore me iwas not logged in and it looked like some one had edited my post needless to say it was just utube advert:Doc:
Could be the beginning of a Nagra 3 hack?

If anyone has this receiver please test and post feedback.

new file for mvision stb's open n3
tested by a freind work ok
from the text file in the zip


this is ONLY for hispasat @ 30W
Its a fake - its for n2!!!

Infact its a complete copy of Nagra2 Faq V0.3.txt - someone has wasted their time changing the text from N2 to N3 and rom102 to 152 - not even done very well because they missed a nagra2 reference on the first page and then obviously got bored after a couple of pages and left it as it was originally!!

I cant understand why anyone would bother really!!!
If you read the top of the file there is some info regarding rom 152 which is what D+ uses I think but the rest is Nagra 2 stuff.