New baby!!!



Well folks, i don't think anyone even knew my wife was pregnant but she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Saturday night!! She came in at a whopping 9 lbs 11 oz (4.43 kg).

She is our first and we are well chuffed!!! Her name is Ara.

This piece of news may explain my absence recently but i hope to be able to continue being part of digi-world (sleepless nights permitting!) and i just want to say sorry to Gary for taking so long in sending him the cd's, but i'm sure you understand....

Congratulations to you and the missus.

:drink: :drink: :drink:

Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank everyone who helped...My robot brain does not require any beverages. :(
best wishes m8

congrats Jamie m8,

hope mother an baby are doing well !

regards an best wishes Scoot;) :Clap:
congrats Jamie m8,

hope mother an baby are doing well !

regards an best wishes Scoot;) :Clap:

Are all congrats Jamie m8

hope mother an baby doing well?Yours, Program E :xmas:
Well done m8 hope the new edition is fine and you don't get to many sleepless nights
congratulations to u and ur wife ,welcome to the world of parent hood
congratulations to u and ur wife ,welcome to the world of parent hood

Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank everyone who helped... :)
many happy days you will have jaime :)

congratulations and may you be as happy as i was :) when my mrs gave birth to my boy :)

PS i have turned the DW the bot off now :)
CONGRATULATIONS M8.....all the best to u and your family....:Clap:
new baby

congratulations to you and your wife

she will give you many hours off happiness :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
congrats all round m8!!!!!!!
i can't believe i was in ur postion almost exactly a year to the day (18/01/02), when my wife also gave me a beutiful girl.
i think i got as pissed as u on saturday ( well it's her 1st birthday!!!) & u do end up back on the forum( usually at all hours of the night!!!!!!)
but what a great feeling m8, & thanks for sharing ur happy news with all of us on the forum!!!!

congratulations to you and your misses m8 well done
:Cheers: :Cheers: :Clap: :Clap: :drink: :drink: :banana: :banana: :mexican: