Netbook vs Laptop


DW Member +
Mar 15, 2006
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Is there much of a difference in these,

Laptop Dell Lattitude D400 - Intel pentium M1.6 cpu with 512MB ram


MSI Netbook Intel Atom N455 with 1GB DDR111 Ram

I've got no idea,the Netbook has a Much bigger hard drive(160GB vs 30GB)

I'm giving one to my daughter but want to keep the better one for myself
the notebook has a bigger amount of memory and HD space then it may be worth keeping that, how ever if you go for the lap top then you are bound to be able to increase memory, might be able to do both, so go to some where like crucial memory and see what they are both capable of, by that i mean how much and what speed/type of ram they both can take.

Also then maybe do some benchmarks etc on them both but until you maybe upgrade ram and run the benchmark test on them with the same amount you might get uneven results.....

Sandra is good for testing it, Sandra sis i think it ever I'd tend to go for the bigger hard drive and the more ram if i didn't have the time to upgrade etc........
I would normally say virtually any laptop would be quicker then a netbook, however the D400 is around 4 or 5 years old, we have quite a few at work and its showing its age now. I would take the netbook over laptop in your case.
I just kept the laptop , 10inch screen was just to small for my eyes LOL
quick overview laptops Vs Netbook

[ame=]YouTube - Netbooks vs Laptops - Toshiba Insider Review Video[/ame]