MUST READ!!! lights out for earth hour


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2008
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THIS spectacular image of the Earth's bright spots has been revealed — as the globe is set to be plunged into darkness.

The photograph taken by NASA shows the locations of permanent lights on the planet.

This weekend millions of people are set to take part in a big switch off to fight climate change.


From Sydney to San Francisco, lights on icons including Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower will be turned off as part of WWF's Earth Hour on March 27.

Leading firms occupying buildings in Canary Wharf are expected to switch off most of their lights as part of the event which starts at 8.30pm.

Now in its fourth year, the global campaign promises to be the biggest ever.

Organisers said thousands of cities and towns in 125 countries were pledging to take part in a backlash against failed climate talks.

This image was released using technology from the Nasa Earth Observatory.

The system, originally designed to view clouds by moonlight, is also used to map the locations of permanent lights on the Earth's surface.

see the pictures at this link.

Lights out for Earth hour | The Sun |News


NASA - Hubble Space Telescope

i am turning my lights off, and will use the telly/oven and electric fire to see :)
will they turn off the streetlights as well then ???

ignore me i am just a crab when it comes to fads like this
This weekend millions of people are set to take part in a big switch off to fight climate change.

Fireblade i am not having a go at you, just the suns "news" story

the cynic i am, reads this with my usual scepticism, which millions ?

I read an online newspaper (not the sun) virtually every day and am in the car every day for 5 or 6 hours and listen to news bulletins every 30 minutes and I have not heard of this ever, if this is its fourth year and millions are involved would have thought it would be lead story.

if it works for wwf and they get some dosh out of it then ok i suppose....
I will do as much as I did last year....sweet F.A

When North America and Asia do something serious about their pollution then I may change my mind....on second thoughts, NO I won't because I will be long dead by then.

@hatab...We had a thread last year about it aswell and maybe even the year before but not sure about that.
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I will do as much as I did last year....sweet F.A

When North America and Asia do something serious about their pollution then I may change my mind....on second thoughts, NO I won't because I will be long dead by then.

@hatab...We had a thread last year about it aswell and maybe even the year before but not sure about that.

Same here mate, until the biggest polluters do something there's not much point in us worrying ourselves over it, so I'm doing feck all either. :proud:

and before the happy clappers come on saying it has to start somewhere and the others will follow, BOLLOCKS, i don't believe this global warming crap anyway, when it's too hot it's global warming, too cold it's global warming, just a con to fleece the hard earned off you.

Same here mate, until the biggest polluters do something there's not much point in us worrying ourselves over it, so I'm doing feck all either. :proud:

and before the happy clappers come on saying it has to start somewhere and the others will follow, BOLLOCKS, i don't believe this global warming crap anyway, when it's too hot it's global warming, too cold it's global warming, just a con to fleece the hard earned off you.


Happy clappers...pmsl.

Have a look at result of poll last year.
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Looking back at my reply from last year I have a had a vivid realisation about what a twat I am.

I can't help it.

I am going to turn on every electrical appliance in my house, buy extra kettles and boil them constantly, and fart for an hour.

So just know, when you smugly sit in the dark for an hour, feeling good about yourself. I have onset your carbon ofset, so it was a massive waste of time.

Petty? Me? Never!
mozr;1723292[B said:
]Looking back at my reply from last year I have a had a vivid realisation about what a twat I am.
I can't help it.

I am going to turn on every electrical appliance in my house, buy extra kettles and boil them constantly, and fart for an hour.

So just know, when you smugly sit in the dark for an hour, feeling good about yourself. I have onset your carbon ofset, so it was a massive waste of time.

Petty? Me? Never!

it's even grimmer when you start realising your a twat when reading what you posted yesterday. :(

anyways i'm doin the same as last year.

fack all.
Fireblade i am not having a go at you, just the suns "news" story

the cynic i am, reads this with my usual scepticism, which millions ?

I read an online newspaper (not the sun) virtually every day and am in the car every day for 5 or 6 hours and listen to news bulletins every 30 minutes and I have not heard of this ever, if this is its fourth year and millions are involved would have thought it would be lead story.

if it works for wwf and they get some dosh out of it then ok i suppose....

i dont understand wat you are trying to say mate??

NASA - Hubble Space Telescope

the story on the suns site has changed slighty, but it was saying Millions will be shutting down lights and other electrical appliances blah blah i was asking which millions will be partacing in the big shut down. I was and still am doubting many knew or even cared about "lights out hour" as seems to be bourne out by some of the replies to this and a thread from last year.

"THIS spectacular image of the Earth's bright spots has been revealed — as the globe is set to be plunged into darkness." I BET IT WONT not round here anyway.

It will be interesting to see if there is any difference in the nasa photo from tonight to the one that they have posted.

to make any real difference in reducing power that is used these people need to talk to American, Indian, Chinese and Korean governments to curb their manufacturing industries not ask us to turn off our 11W curly bulbs.
i am now even more peed of wi this fad, now its turn off everything not just i will

you mean actually TALK to people...i dont think so
We turned ours off :banana: My boy counted the 'dark' houses in our street, 17/28 no lights he said. Guess some of them will be out on a Saturday night but still seems a lot to me.
look i am all for this if people done it to stop the energy companies charging that much ie switch off and show them we dont need them as much as they think
i went out for a smoke about 0030 last night and noticed all the street lights were off in mine and the streets surrounding it, very Erie