Multiple Freesat Installation


Inactive User
Jul 19, 2006
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On a cold and deserlet island
Is it possible to have 3 boxes running off 1 dish (living room, bedroom & study) ?

What sort of dish / cables (installation) would I need to do that ?

Can you recommend any fitters for the job (south staffordshire / north warwickshire area) ?

you need a quad lnb m8 with extra cable running
its deffo possible :)

I'm sure someone else will give you a better explanation :)
Cheers RAT :)

Whats the odds of these Humax PVR boxes being able to share the recorded programs over a network ?
I am currently using Vista media centre but I think it would be far easier to use a seperate box for the task of recording and distributing video.

Ta !
I really have no idea m8 sorry

pinkhelmets or digidude maybe able to answer that one :)
the install you need is an A3 install m8, this will be a dish, quad LNB and a cable run to 3 seperate rooms, if you want it ready for PVRs then you need a B3 install, octo LNB, dish and 2 cables to each room.

the firmware is constantly being developed, with features such as access to BBc iPlayer, 4OD and the ITV archives planned to all be accessed by the freesat remote. the boxes are DCHP enabled so itll just be a case of plugging a network lead in and youre ready to go. how long itll be untill this is implemented into the software for people to actually use though i dont know.

the idea of sharing recordings via a network is a good one m8, ill put that to the company i do work for, which will then see it filter its way up ;)
Thanks digidude :)

Next question ... do you know where I can get a time machine ? I have tried eBay and for once I failed !
I gotta go get me one of these networked PVRs :)

What would be really nice is if the PVR has streamable output so I could for instance have 1 box in the living room (with dual tuners) and then utilise one of the tuners over a standard ethernet network to watch it anywhere this is a network access (I think some of the cable boxes do that ?).
Been looking to do the same thing and have multiple freesat boxes in the house, iv seent his octo lnb on ebay but not sure if its decent or doesnt make a difference.

Also if I didnt want PVR function im assuming I could have upto 8 boxes is that correct? Not that I would ever have that many lol... Forgot to add I have a old sky mini dish would that make a difference?