MS Dash? Again

Well, I tried the other two install options and got the same error. B*gger.
Try the single boot method. I'm not sure why this is not working. Very bizzare!
I can only assume that there is sumat wrong with the softmod. Where do you live?
I've tried all three install options but with no success. S'funny, I don't get any errors when installing the softmod. It all seems to be going so well, but then I restart my box after modding it and I get the error13.
Ill send you my mem card with the softmods on, so you can delete the others currently on your xbox and copy mine using MS Dash and then try again?

You have copied both Zip file contents to your Xbox?

It might be because we have overwritten the exisiting SID with the new files, and maybe some of the old softmod files have been left behind, causing the error13 on boot up
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If you have the old SID2 softmod on a memory card you could try and remove all elements of the SID4.5 softmod using MS Dash Save games. Copy the SID2 softmod onto your xbox, to get it back into the same state it was in.

I will then send my mem card to you with 4.5 on. You can then uninstall SID2, reverting you back to MS Dash and then you can delete SID2 and copy SID4.5 to your xbox and try again?
Purity - managed to restore the old softmod okay. Also, I seem to be able to activate the hi-def (720, 1080, etc, which was my original objective (it seems so long ago now......)) option using the uleash dash. Anyway, I'd still like to get it in a state where I can flip between the MS dash and the mod dashes (which hasn't mraculously been fixed by remodding with the old mod), so i'd still like to upgrade the mod. I have my own memory card (action replay) if that's any help?

Thanks for all the help today. Time for a beer, I think.
How did you originally transfer the old mod onto your memory card? Can you do the same with the new mod?

If you can then revert to MS dashboard, delete old softmod save games (both saves), copy new save games to the xbox from memory card and try and install the new softmod again? I can send you my mem card if necessary

I sure hope it works this time round. It should do!

Remeber, if you do screw your xbox the bios can be flashed or modchip can be fitted to sort the problem out.
if i was you now you have your epprom and hddkeys id go for a hot swap method as this installs everything even the link to msdash which you want iv done it on every xbox iv had works 100% and hey if you mess up you can always restore.
Well, this morning I restored MS (under old soft mod) and got the xbox back to its original state. I then deleted all the exploit game saves. Then I put the new softmod on my memory card, transfered to the xbox, and the went through the softmod process. Unfortunately, error 13 returned.

It looks as if this is a non-starter (for me, at any rate). Maybe the original softmod screwed something up?

Anyway, I'll do some research on this hotswap thingy. If it looks straightforward, i'll give it a go. I think i'll enjoy the wonders of xbmc before for a few weeks first.

Thanks for all your help!
Well, this morning I restored MS (under old soft mod) and got the xbox back to its original state. I then deleted all the exploit game saves. Then I put the new softmod on my memory card, transfered to the xbox, and the went through the softmod process. Unfortunately, error 13 returned.

It looks as if this is a non-starter (for me, at any rate). Maybe the original softmod screwed something up?

Anyway, I'll do some research on this hotswap thingy. If it looks straightforward, i'll give it a go. I think i'll enjoy the wonders of xbmc before for a few weeks first.

Thanks for all your help!

it is straight forward i posted a tut on this forum il look and post a link for you if ya get stuck just pm me.

link to the tut is here
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Success! Kind of.

Last night I went to and paid my $10 and downloaded the latest version of the SID installer from there. I put it on my box this morning and everything worked fine. It's all modded and everything!

So that's good news. However, I still can't seem to change the settings to output the box's video at 720 / 1080. I installed the high-def patch from the soft mod menu (although it immediately prompts me if I want to uninstall it, which is suspicious). But when I go back to the MS dash I don't get any options to change the video settings. Neither am I allowed to switch from PAL to NTSC in the evox dash system settings.

Anyone know what's going wrong now?


Never used the patch or evox to change PAL/NTSC but it wont let you change to HD in PAL, If it's modded might as well upload enighma and try changing it that way, then all you should need to do is go to the m$ dash and enable it, shouldn't need patching.
In my quest for a solution to this problem I downloded enigmah the other day (the video switch iso file [v2]). Problem is i've got no idea what to do with the file. Do I have to burn it to a DVDR or can I ftp it to my xbox and run it from there?


yes just ftp it to your xbox, i presume your evox auto adds programs from default locations (eorf:\apps cant remember )?? so that you can launch it? If not take a look at your evox.ini and see where it does add from.

do you have e or f drives with a softmod?
yes just ftp it to your xbox, i presume your evox auto adds programs from default locations (eorf:\apps cant remember )?? so that you can launch it? If not take a look at your evox.ini and see where it does add from.

do you have e or f drives with a softmod?

I have an E drive. So, I dropped the video_switch_v2.iso into the E:/Apps and E:/Games directories but when I select Launch Apps or Launch Games from HD from the Evox menu there is no 'video_switch_v2' option. It's as if the dash doesn't see the file. I've checked the evox.ini and it seems to point to the right places. I also tried navigating to the file using the xbmc file manager and selecting it (hoping it would run) but nothing happened.

Is an .iso file executable in this way, or do I have to do something else?
Hoo-fookin-ray that seems to have done it. Not sure if I can tell the difference in dvix output quality though LOL. Thanks!
Last night I went to and paid my $10 and downloaded the latest version of the SID installer from there. I put it on my box this morning and everything worked fine. It's all modded and everything!

So that's good news. However, I still can't seem to change the settings to output the box's video at 720 / 1080. I installed the high-def patch from the soft mod menu (although it immediately prompts me if I want to uninstall it, which is suspicious). But when I go back to the MS dash I don't get any options to change the video settings. Neither am I allowed to switch from PAL to NTSC in the evox dash system settings.

Anyone know what's going wrong now?



i could have give you that for free glad your all sorted!