DVB - PC Cards Mdapi plugin, vplug, and mediaportal


Inactive User
Jan 25, 2006
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Me again :)

While I'm waiting for the booster to arrive, and to make a decision about cams. I thought I'd try and get going with a softcam and see if that's a viable alternative to spending more money.

Has anyone had any success in doing this with mediaportal? I see it can be done but I'm not getting many english results when I look for mdapi filter for mp.

Check out this thread from about three weeks ago


I'm beginning to think someone should do a new beginners guide with all the info from last couple of months probably broken down into apps and what is needed such as softcams, extra software, pros and cons etc. and made into a sticky/stickys but i aint got the time really.
It just seems like the same questions are getting asked more and more nowadays and I'm not really supprised as there doesn't seem to be a good structure, posts tend to deviate from their original subject . Any takers?
Thanks Charlie but I've already read that thread and it doesn't really help. It's the mdapi filter I'm having trouble getting hold of.

Happy to write/contribute to a guide - but there's not a lot of point before I get it working.
Are you sure you read it properly? if you register on dvbn then you can download it!
OK I didn't sign up to dvbn to read the thread... I thought if it wasn't available on his soruceforge site I wouldn't find it there. Looks like everything I need. Nice long thread to kill the afternoon at work. Won't be able to try it until I get home though :(.

Thanks for putting me straight!
Hey Herbs
Just checking to see how you ended going.

Cheers mate
I gave up in the end as I already have a CAM in the post and decided it was pointless faffing.

It looked to me like this this will only work with the latest stable release, not the latest svn builds. Wasn't prepared to uninstall to find out, spent enough time tinkering with it to go back! I did try to install mdapi, but mp didn't like it.

Are you looking to do the same?
Thanks, looks interesting. I'll probably give this a go when I get home. My CAM and yellow booster arrived today but I don't have a CAS3 yet. Will be good to make a comparison between soft and hard cam if I can get both working.
Well that guide seems to work well. Watching encrypted channels using vplug on mediaportal now. Had to go back to the rc1 base build with no svns, but it works and it's very quick changing channels. I was expecting it to be about 5 seconds but it's under 2. I still seem to have some issues with a few channels being picked up, but not working and a few others with picture but no sound. I really hope it's not a signal strength problem, the yellow brick is a great improvement but if it's not enough I'm screwed. I also get "No Signal Detected!" everytime i change channel, even though the channel works fine. Will have to look into that one on mp forums. Suppose I'll have to put mp on hold for a bit and troubleshoot with dvbviewer, I'm hoping it shows signal levels somewhere.

Just thought I'd let you know it works, thanks for the link.
You should fine-tune your yellow brick. A too strong signal is a bad as a too weak signal.