Manchester United thread

Worst case scenario here is Rooney dropping deep to work it wide, while we play Fellaini in the hole knocking the crosses down for RVP.
I've had a premonition.
Mr@gasman I do believe congratulations are in order. It seems like the holiday in Dubai paid off?. Very good tactics from your mucker Moyes. Let everyone else flog there guts out while your lot give it large in the sun. The tans look lovely by the way plus your muckerooney is happy knowing he has just earned 300,000.00 for that fecking goal. I thank you. :) ;)
Mr@gasman I do believe congratulations are in order. It seems like the holiday in Dubai paid off?. Very good tactics from your mucker Moyes. Let everyone else flog there guts out while your lot give it large in the sun. The tans look lovely by the way plus your muckerooney is happy knowing he has just earned 300,000.00 for that fecking goal. I thank you. :) ;)

300k a week !!! The worlds top talents will be queuing up to come through the door in the summer ;)

Very good tactics indeed, Fellaini played a holding/box to box role, one of Rooney or Mata dropped in sending the signal for the big wig to head forward, gave Palace a nightmare and with Janzaj staying wide they couldn't squeeze the play. Fellaini still looked largely unfit but definite signs we might squeeze some value from that transfer fee, he will be a nightmare if he can get up and down the pitch a bit quicker. He was a bit laboured getting back from his forward runs but he caused chaos once he got there, Mata and Rooney look to have gelled quickly, just need to get RVP singing from the same sheet and we might just have a good run in.
Quite rarely pleased :proud:
300k a week !!! The worlds top talents will be queuing up to come through the door in the summer ;)

Very good tactics indeed, Fellaini played a holding/box to box role, one of Rooney or Mata dropped in sending the signal for the big wig to head forward, gave Palace a nightmare and with Janzaj staying wide they couldn't squeeze the play. Fellaini still looked largely unfit but definite signs we might squeeze some value from that transfer fee, he will be a nightmare if he can get up and down the pitch a bit quicker. He was a bit laboured getting back from his forward runs but he caused chaos once he got there, Mata and Rooney look to have gelled quickly, just need to get RVP singing from the same sheet and we might just have a good run in.
Quite rarely pleased :proud:

Agreed,for once ;),

Just needs games now to get them used to that system,team still needs strengthening but at least that showed we can start to move forward :)
Tom Cleverley for seconds, Antonia Valencia for thirds.
Fecking embarrassing tonight, no other description of it and that's with my red tinters on. :(
Les Ferdinand and Michael Carrick before them in my opinion, only Vidic and Evra and Welbeck came out of that debacle with any integrity.
It was like watching a schoolboy team only without the determination that kids playing would have.
What's the bigger concern for me is that after 15 minutes it was blindingly obvious that, that set of players weren't up for it, I didn't expect Moyes to start ringing the changes immediately but when the same shower of shite emerged for the 2nd half I cried a little inside, it took Moyes until the 65th minute to start changing things up and even then his brainwave was to play a center forward next to the hapless Carrick in midfield in some bizarre attempt at gaining control of the game.
At what point do we say that this guy just hasn't got what it takes to step up ? Moyes looks to be our very own Hodgson, gutless, clueless, middle tier management.
How has this guy turned a Championship winning side into to what we saw last night in such quick time ? I accept that the squads got some aging players and that it's needing work especially in midfield and fullbacks but it's attacking line would get into most top European sides, yet Moyes can barely set it up create a single clear opening in each 90 minutes of "football" he churns out week after week.

Edit @wiz569 I know your probably going to give me a rollicking but I have seen nothing from this the bloke to suggest he can turn it round, I am actually hearing rumor it was the players decision to do what they did against Palace :(
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No mate I think you're right this time, it's sad to be honest, he is well respected in the football world and had worked wonders with Everton, I actually feel bad for him, as if he gets sacked it will have a big impact on him I feel,

Don't think the players, regardless of quality are doing him any favours, you don't suddenly become a crap player, and they should play their hearts out for the club, how any of them can be happy collecting their wages this week I don't know :(

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No mate I think you're right this time, it's sad to be honest, he is well respected in the football world and had worked wonders with Everton, I actually feel bad for him, as if he gets sacked it will have a big impact on him I feel,

Don't think the players, regardless of quality are doing him any favours, you don't suddenly become a crap player, and they should play their hearts out for the club, how any of them can be happy collecting their wages this week I don't know :(

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This is where Moyes needs to put his foot down you either play or you do not get paid simple. Its the same United side with a few added players this side should be getting stronger by now Van Persie looks lost. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes back to Arsenal this Summer. He certainly won't like the fact that Rooney is on a ridiculous wage. How long do you think it will be before other players start to dictate what wages they want??. Very sad to see what looked like a bunch of school boys last night though.
I am now at the point where I believe he has to go.
Championship winning team destroyed in a very short time
No chance of CL place this season for sure.
If Mourinho had took over we would be top still or very nearby I am sure.
Never wanted Mourinho because I thought he would of been for a quick fix and then would of gone on his travels again.
How wrong can we all be.
RVP moaning to dutch press as well, somethings seriously wrong.
I thought with the change over we would struggle a bit, but I believed that Moyes appeared to be a good choice because of the way he had Everton performing on a small budget and I thought that was because he was getting the best from his players.
It now looks like he is doing the exact same thing at Old Trafford as he did at Goodison, and that is to provide a good performance on the odd occasion but overall be very mediocre. When he came in he got rid of all the backroom staff and replaced them with those who were with him at Everton, so I would suspect that training and preparation has changed to the way it was at Everton and it obviously doesn't work at Old Trafford, with the players looking jaded, unhappy have no spirit and are certainly not playing as a team.
I was of the opinion he should be given time but I now honestly believe time will not change anything.
I'm now for the "Moyes Out" camp..............................I also think that Mourinho thought he would be offered the job and I think he still really wants the job, whether that will happen or not who knows but at least he has enough character about him not to be scared of the task, or to say what is actually needed.
No mate I think you're right this time, it's sad to be honest, he is well respected in the football world and had worked wonders with Everton, I actually feel bad for him, as if he gets sacked it will have a big impact on him I feel,

Don't think the players, regardless of quality are doing him any favours, you don't suddenly become a crap player, and they should play their hearts out for the club, how any of them can be happy collecting their wages this week I don't know :(

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It certainly will, he's on a 6 year contract which means he is set for a 25M payout if we get rid in the summer, I certainly wont be feeling sorry for him mate 25 million quid, Christ, has he not cost us enough, I just hope there is some sort of clause in his contract that gives us a get out if certain targets are not met.
@D 8 RCS I was of the same mind, give him 3 years, whoever followed SAF was always going to need patience, come November watching the football and results I had already revised it to give him the summer to get in his own players and see how he goes until December next season. I have since given up all hope and would quite happily see him out the door tomorrow. I simply cannot fathom how he has dragged us far in so little time, if he wasn't such a gormless get, you would actually think he was doing it on purpose, tactically barren of ideas in attack and seemingly blind to the fact that it's just not working David, hasn't worked for 2/3rds of a season and wont magically start now. The writing is on the wall for Moyes and was from the start, that embarrassing summer window, bringing a clueless coaching team in whilst outing a tried and tested set of staff, having the charism of a clump of horse shite and setting out teams to play exactly so.

Mourinho is still proving himself to be a tit for me, but jesus you would rather him talking nonsense and winning games than Davey blaming bad luck for turgid idealess football week after week, Jurgen Klopp should be being stalked with a briefcase full of used bank notes as we speak.
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I've loved Man U for more years than I care to remember but it's got to the point where I can hardly bear to watch them anymore.

Most of the players seem totally uninspired and lacking commitment. Surely, the fault for this must be lie squarely on the manager's shoulders and I just can't wait for the news that Moyes has been sacked.

Clearly it's too late to save this season but I think if nothing is done to remove him now then we're going to lose many of our most talented players.
not many talented players left

rvp will be will Arsenal again moyes was a stitch up

no manager worth his ego would follow Sir Alex as a rebuild needed which sir alex knew hence moyes getting a bumper deal

as a sweetener for when they dump him for the manager they really wanted
we was not always the best team winning trophy's.titles every season. When saf took over we was a average side and he built the club to what it is now,(or was) all david has done is turned us in to another everton,so dont worry about it @ least he never got them relegated . But to be honest we look like a toothless tiger and under his reign i can see many a dark time ahead.