Madeleine McCann search: Kate McCann and Gerry McCann plead for donations

I'm at a stage where it's a case of who care's now. It sounds harsh but I say this because they wanted to have fun instead of ensuring the kids were safe. Why the fook did they have kids in the first place if they were going to be that selfish. They can try get donations, fine but they shouldn't be complaining (if that is what it is) about not getting the support. As someone mentioned earlier, there are other kids that go missing as well. To them their case is special, obviously but no one case should be deemed higher in priority that other missing kids cases unless of course there was some special circumstances.

Now my feelings towards them would be different had they or a babysitter was in the house and the kidnap happened. I do care about what happened to Maddy, its the parents I don't give a crap about.

Good point from thebigman, Donate or Don't donate. Your choice.