M3 Lite


Inactive User
Dec 8, 2005
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hi all i was gonna get an m3 lite with the passme 3 thing. what size or card can it take up 2. and dose it stick out any? thanks ps are it easy to pacth the ds games for it as well
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Why not just get the new slot 1 supercard no need to patch roms just load onto mem card.
what is better the supercard or the ninjapass?
so if i get the slot 1 supercard. i dont need to patch any of the ds or gba games before putting them on. and it dose not stick out any. as i am not sure what 1 to buy. an slot 1 supercard. and a 1gig card. or an M3 Lite thats gows into the gba slot.

please can someonr help me out as i have not a clue ehat one is better to buy.. thanks. ps i got lots of romes download.

i have an m3 lite and passcard and its fucking ace. takes a micro sd 1gig card. all u need 2 do is follow instructions on loading the games onto ur ds on this site www.m3wiki.com and click compatabilty list. the m3 game manager comes with the m3 lite and u just load ur rom folder up, choose ur rom, choose whether to trim it, 4x dma, in game reset etc...... (all on m3wiki) click write and bobs your mothers brother!
ds card

thanks. the SuperCard Lite (Micro with the SuperKey and an 1gig micro card. look ok. how much will that cost. and can i play gba games of that as well.

i am going to buy that. as it looks better and easer to use than the m2 lite..
No you cannot play GBA roms on the SC ONE without using a Slot 2 device as well (as yet)
the m3 lite runs gb, gbc and gba roms. its a piece of piss 2 use in all honesty

check out this site for compatability lists on all the roms, nds, gb, gbc, gba, homebrew etc...

M3 Lite vs super card lite with super key.

right i.ve been looking up on the net. but i am still not sure what card 2 get. the m3 lite or the SuperCard Lite (Micro] . you cant play any gba games using the supercard 1. but u can with the m3 lite... and i think you need to parch all the games with the m3 lite. and you dont need to with the supercard 1. how easy is it to put the romes on. and download the firmware into the card whetever 1 i get?

ect. as i am stuck. as i dont know what 1 is better for my ds lite.. thanks .. some info would be grate.
basically mate, people make the m3 lite out 2 be hard to use but its really simple.

basically u choose where your NDS roms are, then u choose where you want them saving to (micro sd card, i strongly recommened a Dane Elec 1gb micro sd card and also you will need a card reader, 5 quid off ebay)

then find ur rom, go to www.m3wiki.com then compatability lists, and then find the game you want to put onto ur ds lite.

then click write nds in the m3 lite program, find the game, load it up, follow the instructions given to u on the m3wiki site; some roms only need trimming, but all u do is check certain boxes, usually most games u need 2 check the 4x dma box, the in game reset box and the trim rom box, and then click write, and it writes it to the card. it only takes a few seconds, as the games are fairly small.

its a piece of piss really mate, id recommend the m3 lite.
so i was gonna get the m3 lite with the passme3 thing. do u need to charge it it dose not say in the review i found. http://www.scorpei.com/M3lite.html

and can you save your games when using it as well. ?

so i just need to grt the M3 Lite *Micro Sd* Inc. Passcard 3. and an 1 gig micro sd card. and thats it?

thanks gsim