Looking for inexpensive cloud storage

Looks like you can use rclone with backblaze by creating buckets. Its not clear to me if they charge extra for this or if it's included in the personal backups.
Have you looked at idrive it gives a 5gb free option

I need like 5TBs so 5GB is no good to me.

How about backblaze? I've not used it myself.
Looks like you can use rclone with backblaze by creating buckets. Its not clear to me if they charge extra for this or if it's included in the personal backups.

so its €7 for cold storage a month but i would need the B2 cloud storage which gives instant access and thats working out about €30 a month for me and that does not include the cost to download the stuff so it will end up costing a lot more than g-drive at that rate.
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