


Always been surrounded by decent hi fi. I remember the speaker cabs used to be measured in litres. They were large. Some of the modern speakers must be measured by the half pint now but the quality that comes out of some of them is unbelievable. I have my own DJ set up now. 500 watt Peaveys. If the next door neighbours kids dont stop bugging me with their constant screaming from dawn till dusk then I dont have to put their windows through with a brick, just pump up the volume. Does the same job.
my neighbours also get some sound abuse when they get to rowdy. music is normally left on all day with every room being wired into the one system. it means i dont have to turn it up very loud to listen to where ever i am in the house. it does mean that when i do.........most of the street here's it.
Thats the only trouble. The whole street can hear it and not just the rowdy ones.